[Chapter 3: Auradon]

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Narrator pov:
There he was, in his bedroom with his dog beside him. Nothing interesting just everything felt very blank.. hm that's a new word. Anyways! Back to the story

"A-LAN! I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!"  A-li yell from all the sudden making A-lan jump and same as Luna. A-li started trying to open A-lan's door, which was locked. With a lot of kicking and pushing, also a lot of swearing in alien language.

"GOSH DON'T TELL ME IT'S ANOTHER SLIDE-DOOR THING" A-li yelled frustrated making
A-lan confused and finally decide to open the door, A-li almost kicked A-lan making him look at her with a scolding look, she noticed and  she cleared her throat.

"We finally found the solution for Y/n's moonstone" A-li said in a surprisingly calm voice. They both stayed in silence until A-lan's suddenly grew bigger and actual stars started shining in his eyes, no like literally, STARS.

"Uhh you alright there A-" "HURRY UP WE HAVE TO GO" A-lan suddenly let out a squeal of happiness making A-li flinch, he quickly used his stardust power and teleported both of them to the cave, where Y/n was laying and Wyatt, Willa and Wynter were by her side while the others were helping doing the wolves chores.

Before A-lan could talk, A-li quickly covered his mouth with her hand making A-lan let out a muffled groan while the others were just watching with confused faces.

"So, we finally found the solution to Y/n's moonstone" A-li said and finalky took her hand out of A-lan's mouth.

"Was it necessary to cover my mouth? I wanted to say that" A-lan frowned making A-li rolle her eyes and configure her stardust, he looked at Y/n and placed his hand on her forehead checking on her temperature, he nodded in approval and A-li started modifying Y/n's moonstone.

"So.. how long is it gonna tak-" "And.. done! Now she'll wake up in some.. minutes?" A-li explained, everyone nodded.

"Remember to invite A-li when I get sick"  Wynter whispered to Willa and Wyatt, Willa groaned and got up from her seat and threw a book to Y/n's desk making some of Y/n's thing fall off.

"Woah that book has a lot of pages" A-li tried to touch it but Willa slapped her hand out.

"Our wolves had been trying to find the moonstone none stop, thankfully everyone is at full charge.. I think. Anyways! Maybe the moonstone is in auradon and maybe we have to go there-" "We aren't going there and thats final" Y/n's voice suddenly was heard making everyone's head snap to Y/n's bed, there she was standing there rubbing her eyes.

"Y/N!" Everyone yelled and technically jumped into her to hug her but A-lan obviously waited, everyone started talking very loudly about what is happening making Y/n confused.

"Alright I came from the dead just to se A-lan not to hear all that rambling" Y/n sarcastically pushed away from everyone and ran into A-lan, making A-lan surprise and hug her very tightly, no seriously- he hugged her so tight that he literally carried Y/n off the floor.

"To tIght!" Y/n let put a muffled yell making A-lan chuckle and let her go. They both looked at eachothers eyes and they shared a passionate kiss. While Wyatt had to fight the urge to not kill an alien.

"Alright enought kissy kissy and lovebird stuff" Willa got in the middle off them and made them stop kissing.

"We need to go to Auradon and find the moonstone" Willa said and showed Y/n the map, Y/n gave a death stare to Willa and scoffed.

"You know I don't wanna go- Wyatt doesn't wanna go to right?" Y/n asked looking at Wyatt with a death glare, he nodded aggressively. Y/n turned to look at Wynter with a raised brow and she also nodded aggressively.

"See! They don't wanna to too" Y/n crossed her arms making Willa groan, A-lan tilted his head in confusion.

"Why don't you wanna go to Auradon? I thought you didn't know what it was" A-lan asked looking at Y/n with those puppy eyes.

"I don't wanna go because.. I uhm-" "HER EX IS THERE" Wynter interrupted until she noticed what she said and quickly covered her mouth, Y/n groaned and Wyatt slapped the back of Wynter's head.

"What's an ex?" A-lan asked and an awkward silence filled the room.

"An ex is you used to have a relationship with"Y/n explained laughing nervously A-lan's face went blank and looked at Y/n with furrowed eye brows.

"You had another relationship?" A-lan asked his jaw dropped and Y/n slightly nodded, she sighed and placed her hand on his cheek and softly smiled.

"And he was a bitch-" "HEY LANGUAGE! PUT A PEBBLE IN THE SWEAR WORD WOLF JAR" Wyatt yelled making Wynter make 'ooo' sounds, Y/n rolled her eyes and looked back at A-lan.

"I love you" Y/n said and gave A-lan a quick peck on his lips making him melt.

"Alright alright pack your stuff and let's go to Auradon, I'll tell Zed,Addison and A-spen" A-li said walking out of the room while A-lan and Y/n were following her, hand in hand.

Time skip to Auradon

Narrator pov:
When everyone finally arrived to Auradon, they all teleported from mothership to the castle. Everyone started looking around amazed while Y/n felt homesick.

"Now we have to find that purple haired chick" Willa started walking away making everyone follow her. A-lan noticed that Y/n was weirdly quiet making him concerned so he grabbed
Y/n' hand tightly.

"Are you alright star?" A-lan asked gently and Y/n slightly nodded taking a big breath.

"Yup I'm alright jut a little homesick nothing else" Y/n nervously chuckled walking a little bit more quicker, A-lan almost tripped but followed Y/n.

"HEY! Where are you kids think your going" A man, aka Beast, yelled from the beast statue. Everyone yelped and Willa walked infront of everyone.

"Where's Mal and her friends" Willa asked, venom filled her voice making Beast clear his troat.)

"Why do you need to kno-" "Because we need to find her and find our life source" Wyatt interrupted placing a hand on Willa's shoulder, Beast sighed and signaled them to follow him. Wynter suddenly stoled Y/n from A-lan and hugged her arm nervously.

"I hope the pirates aren't here" Wynter whispered gulping, Y/n nodded and took a big breath.

"Let's just hope they don't remember us" Y/n whispered back, Wynter crossed her fingers and started sniffing something, Y/n's wolf-sense seemed to turn on to making her look around.

"I smell something fishy" Wynter said smelling the air, until the group Y/n and Wynter hoped they didn't want to see appeared.

"Well, well, well.. look what the cat dragged in"



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