[Chapter 3: A-lan]

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Addison pov:

"Great idea separating the aliens, Principal Lee" My dad said and tried fist bumping her but except she just grabbed his hand if like they were shaking their hands.

"Not my first time dealing with spacey teens" Principal Lee laughed and continued watching the cameras.

"They're probably here to clone me to create an unstoppable cheer force. I mean, who wouldn't want more me?" Bucky said while trying to act all tough and brave making me roll my eyes.

"Well, they're uninvited and have to leave" My mom said while looking at me 'so I invited everyone to the cheer off for nothing?'.

"But we invited everyone to our Cheer Off to compete for the Seabrook Cup!" I argued

"Umm you can't just give away my bling?" Bucky responded and crossed his arms.

"i don't intend to lose" I smirked and turned around to look at my parents.

"And I always believed that cheer could bring people together.. maybe even worlds together!-""Or tear our worlds apart!" Bucky interrupted me 'gosh I wish I could slap him'.

"Mark my words, these aliens are here to take what's ours!" He pointed at the cameras showing all the aliens and the rooms. I looked away for a minute and thought for a solution.

"AH!" Bucky yelped making me jump while he was hugging me and also mi parents got scared, Bucky didn't noticed he was hugging me but he did and looked at me with disgust. ANYWAYS!
It seemed like the blue alien aka A-lan escaped how in the world?

"Greeting! Did you want me to continue waiting alone?" A-lan asked while looking all innocent.
Mh parents started stuttering and trying to find a solution while I just tried to process everything.

"Um yes please" Principal Lee dinally came for a answer and A-lan smiled.

"Very well! Oh and also I uh have a question.. who was the p-pretty girl I saw that had h/c (hair colour)?" He asked and tilted his head. 'OoOoo someone has a crush~!' I chuckled. I looked at Bucky and he just looked blank like paper, It was like if he saw a ghost!

"She's Y/n a werewolf, also her brother and sister is Wyatt and Willa " I smiled while A-lan looked surprised and got nervous again.

"So um where is she?" He asked while putting his hands behind his back and looking at the cameras looking for her. My parents and principal Lee moved back and weren't moving a single muscle.

"Oh! If you want we can meet her right now" I said and smiled and he nodded, my parents were behind g me and also A-lan while exploring the place.
'I wonder how Y/n's doing'.

Y/n pov:
"Ooh so his name is A-lan?" I asked and A-li nodded. Willa and Wyatt were looking at us that I felt their eyes behind my back making me have chills.

"Mhm and he said you were cute! He got worried for you when you started slapping yourself he taught you were being attacked by the venomespirit" I went blank, literally. B L A N K.
'Wait.. he got worried about me? He? Me cute? Cute me? He's cute to- I MEAN" My thoughts got interrupted by Wyatt growling, Willa looking like if her eyes were gonna pop out and Wynter jumping all around the place.

"U-uh well uhhh" I tried to say something but nothing came out, I was just in my own world trying to stop thinking about him but I couldn't 'gosh what is happening to me'. I sighed until I heard a knock on the door making everyone look at the door, it was Addison and A-lan waving at us to come out. I got nervous and just somehow forgot how to get up until Wynter came to help me.

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