[Chapter 10: Exceptional Zed]

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(Music needed)

Y/n pov:
I woke up to all the wolfpups jumping around, messing around with my stuff, trying to eat my flowers I got and started shaking my bed 'dang it I thought there was an earthquake' I groaned.

"What do you guys want" I yawned and sat on my bed and slowly got up.

"WE ARE HUNGRY" Everyone yelled and growled while I was trying to search what to wear, technically I was ignoring them and they started being more loud making me groan and roll my eyes.

"Oo Y/n you got a boyfriend?~" My heart legitimately dropped, I quickly looked at which wolfpup it was the one and only Wanda (isn't an actually character soo yeah). Everyone started making 'ooo' noises.

"Wanda this is your first warning if you keep teasing me and it goes for everyone" I turned around and they all whined making me smirk until I got hit with a pillow straight to my face.

"Haha very funny I throwed the pillow more harder making the wolf almost fall and everyone start laughing making me laugh also. 'Some times they are annoying but I can get use to it'. I quickly putted on my outfit and did my hair.

"Alright 'pups let's get cooking" Everyone started cheering and racing down downstairs.

Time skip

Y/n pov:

"Wanna know something Y/n" A-spen asked, they are my lab partner in science so they decided to come with me to class. I hummed in response.

"I had to help A-lan investigate how humans confess their feelings and it was very confusing some words" A-spen said and took out her small notebook and showed it to me.

"Those are the words we didn't understand" I chuckled and decided to read all the pages.

"Maybe sometime I should tutor you guys and teach you some things humans do" A-spen's smile grew wider and she excitedly nodded, I grabbed my water bottle and decided to drink some water.

"Oh! And alsoI broke up with Zed!" 'WAIT WHAT HUH' I almost choked on my water and almost spit it all out but I quickly passed it and looked at them surprised.

"BUT HUH WHEN DID YOU GUYS BECAME A COUPLE?" I asked surprised and used my sleeve to clean my mouth and they looked sad.

"I don't wanna remember the good times we had" They looked down to the floor and I patted their back 'Zed need's to explain'. I shook my head and giggled.

"Oh! Y/n I also have a question" I hummed and they looked at me nervous.

"You think Willa will understand the situation of our map?" I sighed and I started fidgeting with my pencil.

"I think it would be difficult to make her understand the situation cause you know, you guys 'trespassed" A-spen sadly nodded making me have suspicions but I ignored it. We started talking again about 'human things'.

Time skip to lunch (i'm getting a little lazy now)

Y/n pov:

"A-lan~ guess who is gonna eat with us~!" A-spen teased making both of us laugh, A-lan happily waved same as A-li. I took a sit next to A-lan and placed my plate on the table.

"Y/n are you going to the cheer competition?" I heard A-lan ask and I nodded.

"Yeah! I will never miss it" I smirked and they all hummed.

"Y/n yesterday, we thought the moonstone had the coordinates but it didn't and it seems like the seabrook cup has the coordinates" A-li explained and I looked at their 'Alien mind probes'.

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