[Chapter 6:Do it for her]

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So the song will be needed for this chapter and also some of the lyrics aren't actually the real ones thats why I changed them.

Narrator pov:
Y/n was practicing sword fighting with a 'transparent' robot and practicing her attacks, little did she know a alien was staring at her.

Y/n pov:
I started attacking and dogging the shots of my robot until I heard the door open making me distract myself and look at the door. It was.. A-LAN? My smile grew bigger and I jumped down from the high place I was and waited for the impact but I didn't fall? I looked down and I saw a force shield almost making me almost lose my balance.
The force shield popped and I slowly got down.

"Are you alright?" A-lan asked and looked at me checking for injuries.

"Yeah I am, thanks for helping me" I smiled and turned off the robot with my controller, A-lan started blinking aggressively making me chuckle.

"It's my training robot for sword fighting, want me to teach you?" I asked and grabbed my other sword making A-lan more confused.

"Hm sure, but do I have to hurt you?"" He asked and grabbed  the sword carefully.

"Uh maybe sometimes? But it won't hurt" I grabbed those sword bandages and covered my hand except my fingers and I signaled A-lan to give me his hands and he did, I started covering his hand and I looked at A-lan's face for a moment and he was smiling making me get a little nervous.

"And... done!" I let go of his hands and he looked at his hands with a lot of curiosity.

"Wow! I feel more protected Y/n thank you" A-lan started moving his fingers.

"And also.. I have a question Y/n, why did you start sword fighting when you can use your claws?" I looked at him and sighed.

"Well, it's because my parents used to make Wyatt, me and Willa practice sword fighting just to protect our wolfpack, but when humans came to attack us I had to fight next to my parents with swords since I couldn't control my wolf self. The battle finished and my parents.. died and other wolfs left,Willa since she's the oldest one had to lead us until we find our leader. We still practice sword fighting so we we are always ready for battles" I explained and A-lan seemed very interested.

"Instrumomo.. I wanna protect someone special to me!" I chuckled and grabbed the remote to activate the robot.

Start the music (some parts I wont explain the scene and you might have to imagine it):

[Y/n] Alright everything starts with your stance

Y/n stood next to A-lan and grabbed his hand and made the robot come closer to him.

[Y/n] You do it for her
And you would do it again
You do it for him, that is to say
You'll do it for her
Keep your stance wide
Keep your body lowered
As you're moving forward
Balance is the key
Right foot; left foot
Now go even faster
And as you're moving backwards
Keep your eyes on me

Keep my stance wide, (Good)
Keep my body lowered, (Right)
As I'm moving forward (Concentrate!)

[Y/n] Don't you want her to live!

[A-lan] Right foot; left foot

Yes, but put your whole body into it!
Everything you have, everything you are
You've got to give

A scene appeared showing Y/n searching for her parents, and when she finally found them she protected them until the end.

[Y/n] On the battlefield
When everything is chaos
And you have nothing but the way you feel, your strategy and a sword
You just think about the life you'll have together after the war!
And then you do it for them

That's how you know you can win
You do it for him, that is to say
You'll do it for her

Deep down you know
You weren't built for fighting
But that doesn't mean
You're not prepared to try

What they don't know
Is your real advantage
When you live for someone
You're prepared to die

Deep down I know
That I'm just a alien  (true)

But I know that I can draw my sword and fight
(But you know that you can draw your sword and fight)
With my short existence (good)
I can make a difference (yes, excellent!)
I can be there for her
I can be his knight..
I can do it for her

[Both] You'd do it for her

[Y/n] Okay, now do that again
You do it for her, and now you say

[A-lan] I'll do it for her..


Narrator pov:
A-lan finally mastered using a sword and finally killed the robot.

"You did great A-lan!" Y/n cheered and hugged A-lan, at first A-lan was confused with the action but still enjoyed being hugged by Y/n, he felt comfortable on her arms. They practiced more and when it was kinda late, Y/n packed their things and decided to get froyo with A-lan.

Little did Y/n know that A-lan wanted to protect Y/n no matter what

Y/n pov:
"So A-lan what flavor do you want?" I asked A-lan and he pointed to vanilla.

"Alright can we have 1 vanilla and (your choice)" I asked and took out my money and the coach nodded.

"Y/n? What is froyo?" A-lan asked out of the sudden, my jaw almost dropped but I remembered aliens never tried froyo so I just decided to explain.

"Its a godly creation! The flavor is sooo good and also it feel like heaven, it's sweet and it tastes like yogurt and-and" I stopped and noticed I was speaking way to fast, A-lan tilted his head.

"Continue please, it sounds interesting" A-lan said and we got interrupted by the coach telling us our ice cream is ready, I quickly payed and grabbed both of the cups, we sat on a table and I started devouring it except A-lan just investigated it.

"A-lan you have to eat it not investigate it" I laughed and gave him a plastic spoon, he grabbed it and started poking it. I started showing him how to eat it slowly and he followed me, when he finally tasted it his eyes widen.

"This is so good!" A-lan started eating really fast his ice cream making me surprised.

"How don't you have a brain freeze?" I asked and continued eating my froyo slowly so I don't get one.

"What is a brain- ouch! My head it feels like ITS GOING TO EXPLODE!" A-lan yelped and grabbed his head panicking and closing his eyes, I stood up from my seat and put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright that's a brain freeze thats why you shouldn't eat ice cream fast" I explained and he started calming down, he nodded in response and we started talking about random things.

Time skip

A-lan pov
"It was a pleasure hanging out with you Y/n" Me and Y/n were in the forest saying goodbye cause it was already really late.

"Oh! It was so fun learning new things about you A-lan, but I have to go so see you tomorrow?" I nodded and she looked at me and suddenly she kissed my cheek making me freeze in the same spot 'w-what just happened'.

"Bye A-lan!" She quickly went inside the cave and I couldn't say anything. 'Y/n she.. what was it called.. oh! Kissed me on my cheek.. instrumomo!' I touched the place where she kissed me and I smiled.

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