[Chapter 8: Dear Y/n]

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Y/n pov:

"I told you Y/n those aliens are liars" Willa said and all the wolves agreed making me scoff.

"Let just go to the cave, tomorrow I will ask A-lan" Willa shrugged and we all started walking back to the cave.

'What did the aliens do' I sighed.

A-lan pov

"How do I apologize! Should I tell her the truth-" "A-lan.." "Should I lie to her" "A-lan!" "Should I ignore her?" "A-LAN" "Yeah?" I looked at A-li and she groaned.

"Your situation with Y/n isn't important right now A-lan we need to-" A-li tired to explain and A-li covered her mouth with their hand and smiled.

"You should tell Y/n the truth since we trust her" A-spen reassured and A-li let out a muffled 'WHAT', she licked A-spen's hand making them look at their hand in disgust.

"But she is a werewolf! And we just trespassed their most precious thing" A-li argued making me sigh, A-spen looked at me and rubbed my back. 'Is she cleaning her hand with my back?'.

"So? A-lan can explain her the truth and they will be peaceful forever like the other couples in Seabrook" A-spen said making me blush 'how did they learn about that?''.

"You're right, I apologize A-lan" A-li sighed and I smiled, she got up and left the room. A-spen was about to say something until they got cut off by yelling from A-li.

"UGH LOVE IS THE WORST" We heard A-li stomp  the ground making mothership let out a small 'ow' making me and A-spen chuckle.

I hope Y/n accept's my apology..

Time skip

Y/n pov:
I was humming 'someday' and listening to music while painting the forest while Wynter and Wyatt were arguing about dogs and cats about which is better.

"DOGS ARE BETTER THAN CATS" "NO, CATS ARE BETTER" I let out a groan trying to concentrate because they continued for a long time, until my hero came.

"WYATT BRETT LYKENSEN" We heard Willa yell making Wynter let out "oooo" sounds and giggling while Wyatt snarled at her.

"AND WYNTER BARKOWITZ COME HERE RIGHT NOW" Wynter's face looked like if she saw a ghost, she let out a whine and Wyatt just crossed his arms and left my room. I couldn't hold it anymore and bursted out of laughter 'damn they were really that loud that Willa actually heard them'. I shook my head and continued painting.

Time skip

I finished my painting and let my painting dry, I got up and started cleaning my paintbrushes and everything else.

"Y/N! YOU GOT A GIFT" I heard a wolf yell and knocked on my door 'a gift.. For me? Thats weird' .

"COMING!" I quickly dried my hands and took off my painting apron, I opened my door and he handed me a flower bouquet and a card.

"From who is it?" I asked and he started scratching his head and shrugged. 'Wolves have the worst memory ever' I sighed and thanked him anyways.

I closed my door and sat on my bed, I opened the envelope and saw it was from.. A-LAN?
I opened the envelope and took out the card started reading it.

"Dear Y/n, I am sorry for what I did, I wanna explain it to you but in person, meet me at.. zombie town" I sighed and I putted the flowers in my flower pot and my card inside my desk. I grabbed my coat/jacket and left the cave.

Time skip

A-lan pov:

I was waiting for Y/n near a water fountain and getting more nervous every second 'what if Y/n ignored me since I'm her 'enemy' now, what if Y/n hates me now, what if-'.
My thoughts were cut off by hearing footsteps behind me take a big breath and calm down.
'Ok A-lan don't ruin this now..' I turned around and I saw Y/n some steps away from me.

"Greeting Y/n" I let out a small smile and she just waved making me way more nervous than before 'A-lan! Your overreacting she just waved nothing else!' I slightly shook my head and looked at her.

"So..?" Y/n raised her eyebrows and looked at me making me gulp.

"Look, I am sorry and I'm really am I regret lying to you and the werewolves" I sighed and Y/n looked more mad.

"What do you mean? Your sorry for lying to us.." She crossed her arms and saw her get tense.

"We were lying.. but I trust you and please just don't tell anyone" I looked at her and she slowly nodded.

"We didn't come to Seabrook for the National Cheer Off, we actually came to find the most precious thing that will help us get the map for our new Utopia" Her eyes widen and she seemed  relaxed.

"Wait so that's why you guys were gonna steal the moonstone?" She asked tilting her head.

"No, we actually tried to find the coordinates on it since it's the most precious thing in Seabrook" I explained and she nodded.

"I'm really sorry for not telling you sooner Y/n, I understand if you won't accept my apology since now I am your 'enemy'" I rubbed the back of my head and she chuckled.

"A-lan.. were you the one who was hiding behind those boxes when we were trying to find you guys?" She asked and I let out a small 'maybe' and started swinging my arms and wink at her, we both started laughing and I looked behind her, I saw A-spen and A-li signaling to confess my feelings.

Here we go..


Hah cliffhanger

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