[Chapter 14: I Will Love You Always]

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Y/n pov:
I was laying at my bed just looking at my rock-ceiling since I couldn't sleep or I didn't feel like doing something until I heard footsteps near my room.

"Knock knock!" Wynter yelled and I sat on my bed. Wyatt, Willa and Wynter went inside my room and I rubbed my eyes acting if I was about to fall asleep.

"Hey Y/n, we just wanted to apologize, you know?" Wyatt started and sat next to me and his head on my head, I looked at Willa and waited for her to talk. 'This is the most awkward moment in my life with my brother and sister'.

"Fine, Y/n I'm sorry for being such a ignoring person and being rude to your alien-friends, I-I just wanted to protect you and everyone since I used to get bad feelings about them. But I noticed that they weren't that bad and they only wanted to search for their home and not.. what I expected them to do in seabrook" Willa rubbed her arms and Wynter snorted.

"She thought they were gonna explode the whole seabrook-" "ANYWAYS" Wyatt fake coughed and  nervously grinned.

"And I'm sorry to for not listening to you and also for not accepting A-lan as your boyfriend but maybe I do now" He shrugged making me laugh at him, Wynter looked at me and then started thinking.

"Oh! Um I'll apologize for.. for? Uhhh do I have to apologize?" Wynter asked scratching her head I shrugged 'I mean she didn't do anything wrong!'. I shook my head 'no' and she smiled.

"Soo Y/n do you accept our apologies?" Willa asked nervously and Wyatt rubbed my shoulder. I thought about it and I nodded. They all suddenly attacked me and gave me a hug and we started laughing until we calmed down.

"Well, it's kinda late and we have to rest since.. tomorrow is the last day we get to see Addison" Willa mumbled and Wyatt sadly nodded.

"See you later alligator!" Wynter waved making me chuckle and I was about to change until I heard a knock on my window, 'oh god when will I be able to sleep' I sighed and opened my window and it was the one and only A-lan!

"A-LAN! What are you doing here, your gonna get caught!" I whisper yelled at him and he didn't hear anything so he suddenly disappeared making me tilt my head and shrug, I turned around and I saw A-lan behind me looking at my soul 'I love him but he can be creepy sometimes' I yelped and covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream.

"Hey star! I hope 8 didn't interrupt something" A-lan innocently grinned making me rub my eyes and walk to him.

"Nope! You didn't ruin anything, what do you need?" I asked and hid my face on his chest, he grabbed my chin with one finger and we both looked at each other.

"I just wanted to hang out with you, you know!" He said and I looked at him confused, I fell onto my bed and he slowly sat on my bed looking at me smiling.

" love it's like super late! And tomorrow it's your last day" I sighed and covered my face with my hands, he pouted and layed with me by my side looking at my ceiling thinking.

"That's why I wanna spend my time with you on my last day on this planet" He looked at me and grabbed both of my hands helping me get up and also him, I chuckled and he placed his hand on my cheek and kissed it, I let out a small sigh and looked at him again.

"Sure, it won't hurt!" I say and he did that 'yes!' thing with his hands and sat on my spinning chair exploring my room while I was looking for clothes to wear since it was cold and found the perfect ones! I quickly grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

When I finished changing I saw A-lan spinning on my chair very fast while making 'WEEEE' sounds making me look at him confused.

"Hey! Look this weird spinning chair can spin!" A-lan said very excited and started laughing like a crazy person making me laugh to.

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