[Chapter 13: The Fight]

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Y/n pov:
The aliens, Zed and I decided to wait while watching the competition since we didn't find a good place to hide. I had my finger cross for Addison if she was gonna win same as Zed cause he looked more nervous than I did. I felt a hand sliding to grab mine and it was obviously A-lan.

"I'm nervous for Addison" He said while looking at her and I nodded. He started looking at my fingers slowly and carefully.

"So thats why you grabbed my hand?" I asked and he nodded while playing with my fingers.
We saw how cheerleaders were helping Addison to the triple tuck, double hip-hop Lindy and she mastered it! Everyone cheered for her and A-lan looked scared from the noise since he was distracted but still cheered making me laugh 'I love him' I sighed and looked at the cheer competition again.

"The Mighty Shrimp win! The Seabrook Cup is theirs!" Everyone started screaming and cheering, Zed carried A-li and spinner her around and suddenly I was hugged by A-lan while he was cheering making me laugh.

"WE DID IT! SHE WON THE SEABROOK CUP, OUR MAP!" A-lan pecked me on the lips and then my forehead making me freeze but still celebrate until Willa had to ruin the moment.

"The aliens are liars, they've come to take what's ours!We should have never let Addison welcome in those outsiders" Willa announced and both Zed and I looked at each other and got in front of the aliens to protect them.

"Step back, Zed, Y/n" Willa started snarling at us and I felt A-lan grab my hand tighter.

"So much passion!" A-spen gasped and put their hand on their heart, I side eyed her and protected them  to.

"Uh, She wants to rip your heart out" I explained and A-spen look at Willa with literal hearts on their eyes

"She can have it!" A-spen was about to walk to Willa but I quickly stopped her.

"And Y/n why are you holding an aliens hand?" Wyatt pointed out and Willa growled making me gulp.

"A-lan is my boyfriend now and I love him even if he's an an alien" I calmly explained and I heard some wolf say 'i knew it!' and some say ' that was unexpected'. Some of them didn't care so much to be honest.

"Y/n don't you get it! They are evil they are lying!" Willa growled and everyone nodded in agreement. I was about to say something but got interrupted by Bucky trying to steal the Seabrook Cup but luckily Addison pushed him and escaped with us. 'This is gonna be an disaster'.

Narrator pov:

"Freeze! Stay where you are!" The police officer stopped all of us leaving no escape.

"BEAM US UP MOTHERSHIP, NOW!" A-spen yelled, Zed, Addison and Y/n quickly move out of the way so they can successfully be beamed up.

"WOKVES, ATTACK! USE OUR MOONSTONES" "NO" Addison tried to stop them but it was to late, the wolves used their moonstone power and it was way to powerful and really bright so it made people not able to see what was really happening.

"Something's wrong! Critical systems failure" Mothership said and disappeared, Zed and the wolves started growling, snarling while Y/n didn't know what to do so she decided to help the aliens.

"Hey! Are you guys alright?" Y/n exclaimed and helped A-lan first and then A-li and A-spen, they all nodded and removed the dust from their clothing.

"Y/n, I just want you to know I accept you as my sister-in-law.. is that how you say it?" A-li said and A-lan looked at her with wide eyes, even though it was all dark outside A-lan's and Y/n's blush was still noticeable.

"Oh uh thanks A-li! Good to know" Y/n reassured and A-lan was acting if he didn't hear anything.
'What are the aliens investigating about human-relationships' Y/n thought.

"Yes! Enough! This is your fault too, Addison. You let these aliens in, and they lied to us! They betrayed us. You betrayed us! So you're either with us, or..." Willa said and all the werewolves stopped growling. Addison let go off Zed's touch and got closer to her.

"With them? But I am them, Willa" Addison took out a mind probe making Y/n gasp.

"I may be from Seabrook, but my grandma wasn't. I am... an alien!" Addison used her stardust powers and transformed, everyone looked back because the stardust was very bright making Y/n almost fall but A-lan grabbed Y/n protectively just in case.

"Addison is one of us!" A-spen cheered and Everyone looked at Addison with full shock and surprise.

"And she's amazing!" Y/n smirked and Zed was just lovesick for her now. The aliens auickly tried to check if the seabrook cup had the coordinates but it seemed they were having difficulties finding it.

"No. No, no! The coordinates are not here, this is not the map.." A-spen groaned making all the aliens sad. Addison came near them and her smile grew bigger.

"That's because the map isn't a what It's a who" A-spen's eyes grew wider and they quickly took out their mind probe and checked if Addison had the coordinates and they found it!

"Addison is our map the coordinates are in her DNA, Instrumomo!" All the aliens gasped and cheered for Addison.

"You're the Scout's- your grandmother's most precious thing!"  Addison nodded and Y/n still had her jaw dropped 'FINALLY SHE FOUND WHERE SHE BELONGS!' Y/n's jaw finally closed and she smiled seeing Addison and Zed happy.

"Yes! We found the map!" Zed hugged Addison but she didn't control her powers and electrocuted Zed.

"Sorry!" Addison apologized and Zed grunted.

"Okay! Let's figure that out But this is great! Now, you guys can record your coordinate and head back home and Addison and I are headed to Mountain College together! I got in" Addison's smile grew wider and they almost hugged but stopped remembering Addison's power that she can't control.

"But the map to utopia is dynamic constantly computing new units to guide our spaceship,
It's not just some numbers." A-li frowned and Y/n noticed what they were talking about and grabbed A-lan's hand tighter.

"And since Addison is our map..." "She needs to come with us" A-spen continued and everyone gasped, A-lan looked and noticed Y/n holding in her tears so he decided to give her a quick peck on her cheek and gave her a small reassuring smile.

"What?No. No! You cannot take Addison!" Zed argued and A-spen sighed and looked at us.

These are my people, Zed. they need me to survive. When the aliens leave, I'm going with them"  Zed still looked surprised and he directly looked at A-lan and Y/n.

"B-but A-lan! You are just going to leave Y/n?" Zed asked and A-lan frowned, he looked at Y/n and she sighed.

"Well, I didn't know about them leaving but I understand if A-lan and the aliens are going to leave since they finally found their home" Y/n gave them a small smile and Zed nodded in understanding.


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