[Chapter 4: Look Who's Inside Again]

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Narrator pov:

"Well, well, well...Look what the cat dragged in" The son of Captain hook aka Harry Hook said. Uma's eyes widen and pushed her way to Willa, Willa's back straightened and quickly placed her arm protectively to protect A-spen. 

"I thought we were clear that we don't wanna see you again" Uma snarled, while the others watched with a lot of curiosity.

"Pfft like if I'll ever listen to you" Willa smirked, she signaled to Y/n, Wyatt and Wynter to help her and they hesitantly got close to her. Harry's cold eyes noticed Y/n and he snickered.

"Aww.. Y/n why don't you say hi to me? Cat got your tongue?" Harry teasingly said getting closer to Y/n, Y/n slightly rolled her eyes and looked anywhere else.

"Your still shy.." Harry said while lifting her chin with his hook "just like the first time we went on our DATE" Harry said, very loudly. Suddenly, Y/n had enough so she took of his hook placing if on her hand, she pushed Harry away from her making him fall, she smirked and placed her leg on Harry's chest  making him surprised. A-li's eyes widen and got closer to A-lan.

"Make me remember to never mess with your girlfriend" A-li whispered, making A-lan nudge her shoulder. He didn't care whatever A-li was saying he only had eyes on Harry incase he does something to Y/n.

"You didn't see that coming?" Y/n raised an eyebrow (iunderstoodthatreference). Harry started stuttering trying to find the words but nothing came out. The Auradon group were surprised on how Y/n could make someone as manly like Harry nervous. Uma smirked at the scene seeing how dominant Y/n is while the others just waited until it finished but still enjoying the scene.

"Aww.. what? Cat got your tongue" Y/n jokingly said smiling sympathetic, she placed Harry's hook on a table and walked away, Wyatt quietly praised her by fist bumping and silently clapping making her laugh. Harry slightly let out a low growl and got up, but mean while Gil was looking back and forth trying to remember them until it finally clicked.

"Date.. date? OHHH WAIT Y/N?" Gil pointed to Y/n making her slowly nod.

"AS IN.. THE GIRL WHO BROKE HARRY'S HEART AND MADE HIM VERY LOVESICK ABOUT YOU?" Gil yelled even louder making everyone look at the group, Harry's eyes widen and smacked the back of Gil's head. When A-lan heard that, he quickly grabbed Y/n's waist and pulled her closer to him, placing his head on top of her head giving Harry a death glare, Harry returned the action and Blew a kiss to Y/n making A-lan's grip turn more tight.
Evie noticed the tension between the two groups so she decided to cut it, just like Addison likes does to do.

"So! What do you guys need?" Evie asked smiling, everyone looked at Willa making her groan.

"We need to find the moonstone and we know you guys stoled it" Willa explained crossing her arms, Carlos and Gil looked at each other and they both raised their arms, just like students do.

"Umm yes?" Willa asked to them clearly confused. Carlos slightly got in-front of Uma and Mal and cleared his throat.

"What's the moonstone?" He asked making the pirates and the Seabrook group groan.

"Our life source and we know you guys STOLED IT" Wynter growled making everyone flinch, Jay slightly smirked and got closer to her.

"Hello wolfie~" Jay said in a flirting tone, Wynter gasped and Zed quickly pushed her back and got infront of her laughing nervously.

"Okay! We only came for one thing, not for.. new couples" Zed muttered the last part and put his hands on his hips.

"Um we don't have your moonstone, why would you think we have it?" Mal asked crossing her arms everyone agreed and Addison finally decided to speak.

"The moonstone has been stolen and Y/n's necklace needs to charge" Addison responded, Uma rolled her eyes and got closer to Addison making her walk back a little.

"That doesn't respond our question princess, why would your.. group think we have it"Uma said clearly annoyed by the situation.

"Because your little group of pirates are known for stealing things and you guys almost stoled our moonstone, trying to manipulate all of us" Willa's eyes started to turn gold.

"That was old times and don't give me those eyes, it isn't doing anything" Uma scoffed unamused, they all started arguing back and forth, meanwhile Evie was trying to find a solution and a good way to become friends, just like Addison, she was also thinking for an idea until it clicked.

"EVERYONE STOP" Addison yelled over the arguing, everyone stopped and looked at her. Evie got by her side and smiled at her, she knew that they are gonna become best friends.

"I- I mean We have a solution, how about we all work together and try to help them find the moonstone so maybe we could become friends! Like we did with the pirates" Evie explained and Addison nodded, everyone started talking at the same time making Evie face palm and sigh.

"EVERYONE QUIET!" Evie yelled over the arguing, everyone stopped and looked at her. Y/n felt eyes staring at her, she side eyed Harry and noticed it was him, he noticed and blew her another kiss making Y/n make a disgusted face and look at Evie.

"Okay you know what, one by one tell me about your opinion.. uhh wig girl!" Evie pointed to A-li, she let out a offended gasped, A-spen's eyes grew widen and gave A-lan a worried look.

"I am not wearing a wig" She said, literal venom coming out of her voice, she did a small hair flip and innocently smile. A-lan grabbed her shoulder and signaled her to breath in and breath out before she starts to burn Auradon into pieces.

"Well, anyways I feel like thats a..." A-li looked at the Seabrook group and noticed A-spen shrugging but when they looked at Willa she quickly changed their opinion, they quickly shook their head 'no' meanwhile A-lan was just glaring at Harry, like a staring contest.

"...No."  A-li said hesitantly, Evie slightly sighed sadly, thinking her idea was gonna work but Addison had other plans.

"As the leader of the group we accept your 'idea' or 'plan'!" Addison said cheerfully making everyone gasp, they didn't even agree! Bree and Bonzo decided to stay out of the situation and just stay by Addison's side quietly.

"SINCE WHEN WERE YOU-" Willa tried to speak but Addison quickly placed her hand to her mouth,p letting out muffled yelling. The other group just looked at each other and shrugged.

"Fine I guess but we are gonna stay out of trouble" Mal said holding out her hand, everyone looked at Addison and she shook her hand, finally she let go of Willa and let's just say Willa looked like if she was gonna explode... in a bad way.

"Alright! We have some rooms so you guys could stay, follow me or.. us?" Ben said showing the way to the groups.

The start of something new


Srry for not updating, I kinda forgot about this fanfic and forgot to update it
anyways! finally did a chapter and now I noticed that my english is becoming more sloppier so just ignore the mistakes 🦆👍

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