[Chapter 18: An Unexpected Return]

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Narrator pov:
Day, weeks passed since the aliens left earth, everyone tried to act like if nothing happened and stuff but it was difficult, especially for all of Addison's friends including Zed. But somethings changed! Willa, Wyatt, Wynter and Y/n made a band.

(I love this photo 😭❤️)

Narrator pov:Bree and Bonzo are still together, being Seabrook's most cute couple, Bucky and the Aceys still doing cheerleading, Eliza decided to come back to Seabrook because she had 2 month vacations, making Wyatt and Eliza become an unstoppable...

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Narrator pov:
Bree and Bonzo are still together, being Seabrook's most cute couple, Bucky and the Aceys still doing cheerleading, Eliza decided to come back to Seabrook because she had 2 month vacations, making Wyatt and Eliza become an unstoppable studying 'couple' (Wyatt hasn't aske Eliza to be his girlfriend) . But last but not least Zed.. well he's trying to recover with help of all of his friends.

Oh! And also you must be wondering.. 'so that means graduation already happened?' the answer is no actually, why? I don't know.. fanfic logic. But this chapter is gonna be about the graduation so.. buckle up wildcats this shit is about to get real!- wait wrong disney series.

Y/n pov:
I woke up kinda early and I quickly check my alarm and it said 5:00 am making me groan and smack my face to the pillows.

"WHY DID I WAKE UP SO EARLY" I let out a muffled yell and groaned, 'alright I'll try to sleep' I tried to relax and breath in and breath out trying to maybe fall asleep but I couldn't so I decided to just watch tv.

Time skip

Y/n pov:
Surprise, surprise! I didn't fall asleep at any time and I was awake all the time, I checked my alarm and it said 6:00 am I sighed and decided to get ready. I quickly changed my clothes, did my hair, did my daily routine and did my wolf marks on my face. Oh! And also put on my graduation gown on top of my dress.

(I mean, I like the dress but at the same time idk)

I looked at my self in the mirror and put on my ring and bracelet

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I looked at my self in the mirror and put on my ring and bracelet.

"Only if you were here.." I sighed starting to fidget with my bracelet until I heard a knock on my door revealing a very excited Wyatt and Wynter with bright smiles.

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