[Chapter 19: Love's An Open Door]

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(Music needed)

Narrator pov:
Everything has been great for everyone, since the aliens did an unexpected return making everyone surprise and happier, especially for Y/n, Zed and maybe.. Willa.

Well getting straight to the point, A-lan and Y/n were on the forest at night, making flower crowns and playing around like what cute couple do yk.. I honestly don't know, ANYWAYS.
Y/n was sitting on the grass watching A-lan look at butterflies and investigating other insects since he was very interested in those things.

"Look star! A l-ladybug!" A-lan said grabbing it carefully with his hands and showing it to Y/n.

"Oo did you know ladybugs aren't actually bugs, they are beetles?" Y/n explained and A-lan's eyes widened and started to investigate the ladybug.

"Wait.. but then why is it called ladybug and not lady beetle" A-lan tilted his head and Y/n slightly shook her head and mentally face palm.

"Oh boy, how are you gonna do in college" Y/n mumbled and A-lan shrugged slowly standing up, now that he knows about bugs now he's very careful on stepping on one, meanwhile Y/n was also being careful on stepping on one because she's scared of insects.

"Alright! Ready to see the most beautiful place in the whole forest!" Y/n exclaimed excitedly and A-lan eagerly nodded, they both grabbed hands and started racing to the top of a small mountain.
Laughs were heard from the happy couple, enjoying every second of this moment.

When they finally arrived to the top of the mountain; where there mas a beautiful landscape of beautiful trees and lakes. They sat on the grass and Y/n leaned on A-lan's shoulder, A-lan started playing with Y/n's hair and humming soft music, making Y/n relax to his touch.

Time skip

Narrator pov:
Y/n and A-lan after relaxing for some minutes, they decided to run around the forest and play together, laughing and a lot of love. A-lan was looking at the stars with his eyes squinted, paying to much attention to it.

"BOO!" Y/n touched both of his shoulder making A-lan let out a high pitch scream, yes, could you believe it? Y/n started laughing uncontrollably same as A-lan, Y/n looked like if she actually eas going to die of laughter until she calmed down and looked at A-lan softly.

Music start

[Y/n:] Okay, can I just, say something crazy?

[A-lan:] I love crazy!

[Y/n:] All my life has been a series of doors in my face
And then suddenly I bump into you~

I was thinking the same thing! 'Cause like
I've been searching my whole life to find my own place
And maybe it's the party talking or the chocolate fondue

[Y/n:] But with you...

[A-lan] But with you~

[A-lan] I found my place...
[Y/n:] I see your face...

[Both:] And it's nothing like I've ever known before!
Love is an open door!
Love is an open door!
Love is an open door!

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