[Chapter 2: Kill The Beasts]

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Narrator pov:
Meanwhile the aliens, zombies and wolves were trying to investigate who stole the moonstone, a small village near the forest where monster-hunter people live and let's just say they are very rude people. Any type of monsters take a step near their village, they never return and nobody messes with them.
The leader, aka Emerson. I mean- he doesn't sound that evil but let just say he is very strong and very overpowerful with any guns-AND HE HAS 8 PACK ABS DUDE..Ehem let's just continue.

All the townspeople had their their torches with burning fire, they were yelling and chanting about destroying the moonstone, while Emerson and his 'sidekick' Andy (idk any sidekick names neither villain names) were planning on what to do.

"Um.. let me ask again, why are you planning this?" Andy asked while looking at the townspeople with horror.

"I told you a billion times our plan. We go and find those filthy wolves and DESTROY their moonstone because that's their life source" Emerson explained rubbing his temple trying to calm down making Andy gulp with fear.

"But.. it's not saf-" "ARE YOU IN OUR SIDE OR WHAT" Emerson yelled shoving his torch near Andy almost burning him, Andy let out a yelp and put his hands up in defense and eagerly nodded.

"Use your words" Emerson growled under his breath grabbing Andy's collar and moving him more close to his face, making some tension between both of the guys.

"Y-yes, I'm on your side" Andy breathed out closing his eyes for the burning impact but he felt the heat leave his body meaning Emerson let him go.

"Good, but if you continue you will have some consequences" Emerson walked away leaving Andy  lighting up his torch and running to Emerson's side. The townspeople started chanting very loudly when Emerson appeared, since he saved all those townspeople from the 'beasts' .

"EVERYONE WE ARE GONNA KILL THOSE BEASTS IF WE DETROY THE MOONSTONE MEANING WE WILL FINALLY GET MORE LAND" Emerson pointed his torch to the sky and  a lot of townspeople started clapping, they knew that they were safe with Emerson as their leader but at the same time confident since mostly no one would mess with him.

Music start

[Townspeople] We're not safe until he's dead!
He'll come stalking us at night
Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite
He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free

[Emerson] So it's time to take some action, boys.

Through the mist, through the wood..
Through the darkness and the shadows
It's a nightmare, but it's one exciting ride
Say a prayer, then we're there
At the drawbridge of a castle
And there's something truly terrible inside...

Emerson walked by the group of scared ladies and smirked at them while winking making them let out a love-sigh and feeling more relieved. Maybe a little ol jealous Andy was looking but hey, it's Emerson and his used to it flirting with any woman he sees.

[Emerson] It's a beast! They got fangs, razor-sharp ones
Massive paws, KILLER CLASS for the feast
Hear him roar, see him foam
But we're not coming home
Till their dead, good and dead!

Everyone got on their horses while Andy just crossed his fingers that everything will be alright.

[Townspeople:] Light your torch, mount your horse

[Emerson:] Screw your courage to the sticking place

[Townspeople:] We're counting on Emerson to lead the way

[Emerson:] Call it war, call it threat
You can bet they all will follow
For in times like this they'll do just as I say

Emerson smirked looking at Andy making him nod and let out a big and confident smile.

[Andy:] There's a beast running wild, there's no question
But I fear the wrong monster's released...

[Townspeople:] Sally forth! Tally ho!
Grab your sword, grab your bow
Praise the Lord, and here we go

[Townspeople:] Hearts ablaze, banners high
We go marching into battle
Unafraid, although the danger's just increased
Raise the flag, sing the song!
Here we come, we're fifty strong
And fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong
Let's kill the Beast!


Narrator pov:
I just don't know how the people in Seabrook couldn't hear them? Dude. They were SO LOUD but hey their singing was good. Anyways! Everyone found the moonstone, they looked at it in awe they never seen something so precious and eye-catching.

"Alright everyone, we have to carry these moonstone and BOOM! We keep it and destroy it" Emerson chuckled and placed his hand on Andy's shoulder.

"But.. how are we gonna do it, I bet the moonstone is very heavy a-and I don't think-" Andy got interrupted by Emerson shushing him and his evil smirk appeared.

"You really think I can't carry that rock? I mean I can carry anything!" Emerson flexed his muscles hearing cooes from the ladies and wolf-whistles from the guys. Until someone cleared his throat making Emerson jump.

"Oh- right the moonstone" He walked to the moonstone and rubbed his hands together. He touched the moonstone but the force field pushed him away making everyone gasp.

"Wait how-" Emerson huffed and tried again but the force field again pushed him away making him let out a loud groan and kicked the moonstone.

"We'll help" All the townspeople said and walked to help Emerson. Let's just say they took a llt of time but they finally did it... somehow. Wait then why didn't any wolf get alerted about someone trespassing their moonstone?

"Alright guys, we did it. Now let's take the moonstone and let the beast have a slow and tragic DEATH" Everyone started celebrating and walked to the village. Andy finally felt relieved from his shoulder and let out a sigh while smelling the fresh air.

"Hey, you alright?" Emerson asked not looking at him and just looking at the beautiful landscape while walking with his horse.

"Yeah just relieved" Andy said and shrugged making Emerson scoff but ignore it.

Let me just say something before finishing this chapter. How the hell Seabrook didn't hear all those loud noises from the townspeople?


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