[Chapter 9: I Fell Inlove With You]

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(Spoiler alert: tbh the part where A-lan confessed his feeling isn't that good cause idk how to write one 😭)

A-lan pov:
"Y/n?.." She hummed in response and I grabbed both of her hands 'How do humans confess their feeling without feeling nervous'.

"Maybe this isn't best time to confess how I feel but I wanna tell you anyways" Y/n softly gasped and her eyes opened wide.

"Y/n I.. like you wait no- I love you, since we started talking I felt a new feeling of space moths in my stomach and I got nervous around you and Zed showed me it was love, I love your personality, your smile, your laugh, everything about you is perfect!I-I don't know how to explain how I'm feeling right now but I just wanted to tell you I have deep feelings for you so I wanted to ask do you want to be my girlfriend?" I looked at her and she stayed in silence making me worried.


"Y/n..Did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry, I-" A-lan tried to explain but he suddenly felt warm lips on his. He didn't expect that action so he was surprised at first but kissed her back.
How doesn't he know what 'hugging' but he know what 'kissing' is? I have no clue.
The kiss was short and gentle perfect for both of them.

Y/n pov:
"Does that respond your question?" I asked smirking and he tilted his head.

"Yes A-lan, I would love to be your girlfriend-" "FINALLY!" I yelped and got in some type of defense position.

"FINALLY A-LAN CONFESSED HIS FEELINGS YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH HELPED HE NEEDED- oh sorry for scaring you Y/n" A-li nervously chuckled and I just smiled until I realized something.

"Wait were you guys watching us this whole time?" I asked and A-spen and A-li started looking around and nodded, making all of us laugh. 'The aliens aren't that bad, I wish Willa noticed that'.

"Well we have to go Y/n, we loved watching A-lan and you become a couple but we have to go and investigate about our map to utopia, tell your sister I said 'hello'" A-spen said and waved goodbye to me and I waved goodbye to them also. 'Wait 'tell your sister I said hello' does she mean.. WILLA?' I chuckled at that thought but before A-lan could leave I grabbed his arm and made him look at me. I quickly kissed his cheek making him wink and smile.

"I love you Y/n and so much" "I love you to A-lan"

Narrator pov:
When A-lan, A-li and A-spen got back to the mothership, A-li and A-spen didn't stop bugging
A-lan about Y/n being the first person to make him fall inlove.
While Y/n had to wait the perfect time to tell the other werewolves.
But one thing they will never forget is that they shared their first kiss under the moonlight.

(it's rlly short but the next chapter continues the story)

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