[Chapter 1: The Begining of a Disaster]

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Btw this chapter it's some years later.

(Music needed)

[Y/n] We are doing the intro now A-lan! Isn't this cool?

[A-lan] Yes, but we just need to tell the story from the beginning right? Zed gave me the book and its full of what happened since the start

A-lan showed it to Y/n and she scoffed.

[Y/n] Why would you need the book? There isn't any fun about narrating the story.

Y/n grabbed the book and throwed it out of her door.

[A-lan] So.. how do we do it?

[Y/n] Like the zombies do~

Y/n winked playfully at A-lan and he chuckled.

[A-lan] But we don't know what really happened when the zombies came, don't we need the book?

Y/n's eyes widen and nervously coughed.

[Y/n] Oh.. right! Let me just go get it!

A-lan smirked and slightly laughed, until Y/n came running with the book.

[Y/n] Here I have it! Bonzo, start the music!

Music start

[A-lan] Come on down to Zombietown
and meet our hero, Zed!
He wants to play football
and help the zombies get ahead.
Then one day he meets Addison.
She slaps him in the face.

[Y/n] But soon they both discover
they're crushin' on each other.
Zed proposes Addison come party with his friends.
Meets her snooty parents
and plays human make pretend-

[A-lan] But look out for Bucky.
He's a bully with hot goss-

Let's just say A-lan took it to far describing Bucky but Y/n interrupted him trying to make him calm down so she grabbed his hand tightly and smiled.

[Y/n] Turns out there's Z-band hacking
to up Zed's football tackling.
Bucky goes too far.
The zombies zombie out.
The crowd freaks out!
Buck's nearly chow!
Zed gets arrested!

[A-lan] Addison reveals
she's got secret white hair.
The crowd freaks out!
Her parents pout!

[Y/n] The zombie kids all feel sad.
But then everybody unites.

[A-lan] Yay!

[Y/n] Through the power of friendship, 
they get along
singing this song.
No kiss! Just hug! 
But now there's another chapter .

[A-lan] Hey! Turns out Seabrook has werewolves.
They're lookin' for the Moonstone or
else they will die.
Zed's hit by a school bus asking Addie to the Prawn.
Then the werewolves' entrance leads to anti-monster laws.

[Y/n] So Zed runs for President to try to make things better.
But he zombies out again-

[A-lan] so mean ol' Bucky gets the win-

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