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Paper Rings
chapter one



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IT WAS YOUR TYPICAL MONDAY MORNING IN SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA. The sun was shining, the air was nice and cool, and the boredom had already set within the office at Dunder Mifflin paper company. A tall, brunet sat behind his desk, leaned as far as he could in his swivel chair. His long digits were tapping a pencil eraser against the light wood of his desk. His chubby cheeks resembled rising dough as he smiled over at the girl sitting next to him. Her chair was spinning, eyes closed behind her thin rimmed glasses.

"Top three songs. Go." The eraser of his pencil pointed at the man beside him. He stared blankly back at him, his face void of anything but the emotion of disappointment. "This is stupid," he stated matter-of-factly. His small eyes blinked behind the large glasses perched on his face. The former scoffed, brows screwing together, his smile still present. "No it's not. Evie, three songs." He turned toward the girl with raven hair. She continued to spin, pursing her lips in thought.

"One," she began, her eyes following the fluorescent lights above her head, "Stay With Me by Miki Matsubara."

"Classic," he stated. The corners of her lips lifted into a brief smile. "Two, um, The Only Exception by Paramore." He snorted, the sound stopping her dead in her tracks. He chose to bite his tongue, only offering her a smile with a wave of his hand, beckoning her to continue. "And Somebody to Love by Queen."

"Should've known," he joked. Her shoulders lifted into a slight shrug. "What about you, Halpert? What are your top three songs in the whole world?" His face scrunched up in thought. The same eraser pressed into his bottom lip, tapping the area gently. "Good question," he sighed.

"No it isn't," their grumpy friend argued. His face had turned back to his computer monitor, fingers flying over his keyboard. Suddenly interested by the fervor of his movements, she began to wheel her chair closer to their desks. "What are you up to, Dwight?" she asked, finally putting a name to a face. He didn't answer, instead one hand switched over to sit on his mouse. With two clicks, he sat back and left whatever he had been searching to load.

It was just like every other day. She glanced toward the other man, eyebrows raised in questioning. He only shrugged. There's no one in the world who could predict Dwight's actions. Just as she was about to ask again, music began to play through his speakers. It didn't take long for her to put two and two together. He stared hard at the video playing on his screen.

The music played through the office. Many heads turned toward the three. She sat back in her chair, swaying to the music. She returned to a slow spin, closing her eyes to absorb the music in the best way. She hummed softly along. Dwight's hand rested beneath his chin, brows furrowed. He was reading the lyrics, the video reflecting off of his glasses.

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now