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Paper Rings
chapter twenty five



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                    THE DUNDIES IS LIKE A RIP OFF OF THE OSCARS. There's too many categories and not enough nominations. They take too long to present and no one ever really cares about them until their favorites win something. Except no one ever cares about the Dundies, because its made specifically for Dunder Mifflin and its company of nobodies.

          Evelyn didn't hate the Dundies. Honestly, they were fun at first. They get to go eat and drink, and listen to Michael spew out stupid shit for plastic figurines. Sometimes he would DJ and it would be loud, and annoying, but it was one night. She could live with it.

          Until she received that award. It was gross and inappropriate. It made her feel objectified in the worst possible way, but did she say anything? Yes. Many times. But Michael would wave it off and tell her that he meant no harm, that he meant it as a compliment. He would never say anything to make her feel uncomfortable.

          She sighed, fingers tapping away at her desk. The day had been remarkably quiet in preparation for the coming event. "Are you nervous?" she asked Kelly, spinning around to face the brunette. Kelly shook her head, scrolling through an online store with pursed lips. "Never," she replied. "I'm going to get a big margarita and live my best life."

          "Are you nervous?" asked Toby. Evelyn sighed again, spinning once in her chair. "You don't have to attend," Toby continued. He was right. She knew that she could always make an excuse to miss the yearly event. It wasn't like it was legally mandatory. "Yeah, but I really don't want to listen to Michael complain about it until next year," she admitted.

          Vaguely, through the closed door of the annex, they could hear Michael's voice. He was talking to the camera, presumably about the Dundies. "This is going to be a trainwreck," Evelyn muttered under her breath.


The Dundies... is like Michael's very own stand up show. He makes his jokes, makes people uncomfortable, and gives out stupid little trophies to make the sting hurt less.


Every... year...


          "Did you see it?" Kelly asked Evelyn as she approached the small group. Phyllis was giggling behind her hand, Pam smiling. The brunette shook her head, glancing between the three women. "See what?" she asked.

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now