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Paper Rings
chapter fifteen



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                    EVELYN USUALLY ATE HER LUNCH WITH JIM, BUT EVER SINCE HE AND DWIGHT FORMED THE ALLIANCE, THEY'VE HAD TO BE CAREFUL. So, today was different. Pam sat at her desk, smiling down at the floor. From everyone else's point of view, it looked like she was talking to herself. However, it was just Evelyn, sitting on a pillow on the floor, eating her salad with Pam.

"I think I'm going to tell Jim me and you have begun an alliance," the brunette said, stabbing at the lettuce in her bowl. Pam snorted. She pulled the crust from her peanut butter and jelly sandwich and discarded it back into her sandwich bag. "That's a good idea," she replied. "Dwight'll get super paranoid."

Evelyn nodded her head. "Exactly what I was thinking." She took a bite out of a cherry tomato with a hum. "Great minds really do think alike, don't they."

Pam's foot nudged Evelyn's knee. Her head followed the sound of heavy footsteps. Swiftly, Evelyn moved her bowl from her lap and crawled toward the wall. She could vaguely see the back of Jim's head as he left the office. "Was he with Dwight?" she asked, easing her way back over to her abandoned pillow.

"Yeah," Pam replied. "He looked worried. He had the line in his forehead." Evelyn situated back onto the pillow and replaced the bowl into her lap. Pam looked back down at the brunette. "So, about Friday.." The duo had yet to talk about Pam's lack of arrival at the bar. The bespectacled girl waved off her friend.

"I get it," she replied. "You didn't miss much. There was a lot of small talk." Pam frowned. For a moment, she glanced back toward the entry door. "Nothing exciting happened at all?" she asked. Evelyn shook her head, forcing a large leaf of lettuce into her waiting mouth. "No butterflies? No longing stares across the bar?" Pam continued.

Eveylyn's brows dropped over her eyes as she chewed at the lettuce in her mouth. She looked up at Pam in confusion. "This isn't some RomCom," she said around her bites. After she finished chewing, she swallowed the mush and cleared her throat. "There were no..." She paused, her eyes dropping to her hand gripping her fork. "There were no butterflies."

Pam's eyes widened for a split second. Suddenly, her body was fully facing Evelyn and she was leaning her elbows on her knees. Ready hands took hold of Evelyn's wrists, bringing them toward her with dazzling eyes. "Something happened," Pam said matter-of-factly. "Was it Jim? Did you guys have a moment?"

"Jim?" Evelyn asked. Her jaw fell slack. The air suddenly felt entirely too hot. Her face felt entirely too hot. Pam's smile only seemed to grow at the panic that spread across Evelyn's face. "Wait, did something actually happen?"

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now