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Paper Rings
chapter thirty two



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JIM FOLLOWED EVELYN LIKE A PUPPY. It was amusing to some, annoying to others. It was unnoticed by Jim and Evelyn. Evelyn pushed open the door to the annex with a smile. "Your snacks," she dramatically announced. Kelly cheered from her place at the filing cabinets. Evelyn passed the bag of chips that hadn't been in Jim's mouth to Toby. Kelly happily accepted her diet coke. "Hey, Toby, Jim is here to get a feel for Dunderball."

          Toby's face brightened. Not many people got to see his expressions change. When he's around everyone else, it is usually for a negative reason. And because of Michael's relentless hatred. Evelyn, though, liked to see him happy. It was a nice contrast to his usual defeated demeanor. "Really?" he asked. He already had his ball out and ready. "Do you mind if he uses your desk?"

          Jim paused. She had already given him permission before, but he wanted to be sure. When she nodded her head, he released an excited sigh and bounced around her. All of the candy and snacks were pushed into her hands, one hand coming to squeeze her hip in thanks. She turned toward Kelly, the shorter girl beaming with amusement. "What kind of candy did you get?" she asked as Evelyn approached her. "Milky Ways, a Snickers bar for Pam later, and some Three Musketeers."

          Kelly took a Milky Way just as the game began. The ball hit the wall rhythmically, falling into a steady pace. She couldn't see Jim all that well, but she knew that he was beaming. He always found joy in the little things she had noticed. It was infectious, really.

          "So that's what this sound is all day," he commented. He chuckled to himself, Kelly and Evelyn chiming in. His arms were the only part of him you could see. He was always ready to catch the ball. "It passes the time," Toby replied. "It's a lot more fun with two people, though."

          He was teasing them. Evelyn and Kelly both laughed and, for a split second, Toby glanced at them. Intrigued, Jim pushed. "Evie did say she was bad at this." Her eyes narrowed, fingers plucking open her chip bag. Toby laughed. "She's not terrible," he stated. "She did almost break the shredder, though."

          "One time," she groaned. "It was one time and an accident!" Toby grinned silently to himself. The bag finally opened within her grasp, spilling several small potato chips onto the ground by her feet. Jim scoffed. "Such a klutz," he teased the brunette. "You know, I have plenty of stories about Miss Takahashi and her reign of destruction." Kelly oohed in interest.

          Evelyn grimaced. "Did you know that she was the one who broke the coffee maker last year?" Toby paused, catching the ball. Kelly gasped dramatically. "It was you?" she asked. Evelyn's face was starting to heat up. "What did you do?" Toby inquired curiously. The game continued, Jim wearing a shit eating grin. She shrugged. "I tripped over a chair leg and tried to grab something to break my fall, but I ended up ripping the coffee maker from the wall."

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now