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Paper Rings
chapter twenty six


                    "I AM THINKING OF RENTING A MOVIE AND STAYING IN TONIGHT," Evelyn announced as she entered the conference room

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"I AM THINKING OF RENTING A MOVIE AND STAYING IN TONIGHT," Evelyn announced as she entered the conference room. Hurriedly, Pam fumbled with the remote to pause the tape she was watching. A frown buried itself between her brows. "What?" she asked, dropping the remote into her lap. "You can't do that."

          Evelyn plopped in one of the empty chairs, a snort shooting from her nose. "The Dundies are lame," she whispered. She could never be too careful when insulting one of Michael's favorite things. He could hear, or worse: Dwight could. Pam shrugged lazily, a pout falling upon her lips. "Not when you've got me... and Jim. Think about your friends, Evie."

          "I am," she argued. The brunette leaned against the table, her chin resting in her palms. "You two are invited. You can even bring Roy for all I care." Pam felt her heart pick up speed. Her eyes flickered from Evelyn sitting before her to a very oblivious Jim twisting in his chair.

           "What about your roommate?" the redhead asked, her voice low. Evelyn waved her off with a dismissive hand. "She's got herself a date. Which means I get the apartment all to myself tonight."

          Pam fought back a grimace. Her well thought out plan was slowly shrinking away. "It's Chili's," she mumbled, pouting. Evelyn watched in silence, eyes narrowed. "And it could be fun. Maybe you'll get an even better award than—"

          "Not helping your case," the brunette stated, her hands falling to the table with a slap. Her fingers drummed over the surface before she sighed. "I don't know, Pammy. Last year was such a bore and all he did was joke about your engagement and my sweater collection."

          "And Dwight's nerdy trivia," Pam added. She sat back in her chair and thought. It didn't really make sense for either of them to attend. Michael loved to torture his employees though he wasn't completely aware of it being torture. Pam had thought he could be a Russian spy once, but he's not strong enough for that job.

          "You're weighing pros and cons," Evelyn stated matter-of-factly with a triumphant smile. The redhead flushed. Her shoulders lifted in a half shrug. "What about Jim?" she asked. "I think he's actually looking forward to the train wreck that is the Dundies."

          Evelyn sat back and glanced over her shoulder. Jim had a pencil between his top lip and nose, scouting the area. His eyes moved over everyone present until they met hers. His lips un-pursed, the pencil dropping to his lap. Color tainted his cheeks and the tips of his ears.

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now