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Paper Rings
chapter eleven


                    SHE'S BEEN TO MANY CAMPOUTS

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SHE'S BEEN TO MANY CAMPOUTS. She's camped out in front of a concert with her college roommate many times. She just hasn't ever thought she'd be camping out at her job, hoping to see her negligent boss to argue about the healthcare plan. That was not a card she had expected to pull out of the deck, but there she was. She sat in Dwight's abandoned chair, picking at her chipping nail polish. Jim played Minesweeper on his computer silently.

          "There he is," she heard Phyllis whisper before the break room door pulled open. Out came a flustered Michael Scott, Oscar and Meredith trailing him from the bathroom like a piece of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of his shoe. Evelyn spun around to spot him. Immediately, she grabbed Jim's memo and stood from the chair she occupied.

          Though he'd never admit it, Jim liked this fiery version of Evelyn. She was feisty, assertive, and she had this cute little scrunch in her nose. She stomped up toward the man, Meredith bringing up the memo with a worried tone. The older man glanced toward the redhead with faux confusion pursed on his forehead. "Uh, what– which a– which memo?" he asked.

          Evelyn thrusted the paper into Michael's hands with a hard stare. "This memo," she replied, her tone sharp. Jim almost squealed at the sound of it. "Dwight's health care memo," Pam spoke up. "I told you about it."

          She flinched at Evelyn's heated stare. Knowing that Michael knew of the memo only poured more gas on the fire of the brunette's anger. "Is it a good plan?" Michael asked, cracking a worried smile. The conference room door pulled open upon seeing the horde of people. Dwight took one step out, his shoulders squared. "It's a great plan," he answered firmly, "saves the company a fortune."

          "It's like a pay decrease," Oscar argued. Evelyn crossed her arms tight over her chest, that scrunch returning to the bridge of her nose. Jim found himself smiling at the expression. "Michael, he made huge cuts," Pam continued.

          "We're basically insurance-less," Evelyn agreed. Michael's brows furrowed into his eyes. He looked between his workers with a nervous smile. "Cuts? What– wow, Dwight, did you make cuts?" he asked the tall man, turning to face him in disbelief.

          "Yeah," Dwight answered. "You said to go ahead and trim–"

          "No, no no, no no, no you know what?" Michael interrupted Dwight aggressively. Evelyn glanced toward Pam. The redhead's tongue prodded her cheeks with anger. "I said nothing specific because I was so busy."

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now