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Paper Rings
chapter thirty eight



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HALLOWEEN IS ONE OF HER FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR. The costumes, the candy, the movies. She had gone to sleep the night before rewatching all of the Halloween franchise. But this year was somewhat different. Instead of a half assed costume that she felt comfortable in, she decided to step out of her comfort zone. Which is why she's walking into Dunder Mifflin dressed as Eric Draven from The Crow.

          She had gotten some help from Dwight on just who she would be. It was between Nightwing from the DC comics, Eric Draven, and Valentine McKee from Tremors. Thanks to her co-worker, she was able to get exactly what she needed before time ran up. And she was exceedingly happy. So happy that she barely even registered the eyes following her.

          "Hey, kitty cat," she greeted Pam, stopping in front of her desk with a beaming smile. Pam's eyebrows shot into her hairline, surprised by the face paint that littered the brunette's skin. "Who are you supposed to be?" Pam asked. Evelyn stood up straight and threw her hands out beside her. She looked pleased to show off the ensemble of a long sleeved, black sweater and her leather pants that made her butt look phenomenal.

          She gave a twirl, her dark hair damp at the ends. She had gone for the fresh out of the shower look since the movie was mostly full of rain. "I'm Eric Draven," she finally answered when Pam couldn't piece together just who she was. "I'm The Crow. From the movie." Despite not having seen the movie, Pam responded as if it had finally clicked in her brain.

          "You look amazing!" she exclaimed. Evelyn's hands fit at her waist. It was then that Dwight's head picked up. He had been hidden beneath his hood, playing with the lightsaber he had purchased. His jaw dropped upon seeing the ensemble. Noticing his reaction, Jim decided to glance toward the reception desk, eyes immediately falling on the brunette.

          Something inside of him shifted. Suddenly his mouth felt all too dry. Dwight clapped, the loud noise startling everyone in the room. Evelyn spun around and bowed, a light laugh exiting her smiling lips. "Thank you, thank you," she hummed playfully. Dwight threw up his thumbs in appreciation. "It looks great," he said. "Even the makeup is almost spot on."

          She fought the urge to touch the black liner coating her skin. She knew that if she didn't leave it alone, it wouldn't last the rest of the day. She had a Halloween party to attend and really didn't want to have to touch up her makeup. "I practiced last night while me and Payton had a movie marathon," she admitted. "I never realized just how difficult eyeliner really is."

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now