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Paper Rings
chapter fifty six



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EVELYN HAS ALWAYS TENDED TO HOVER AROUND THE BULLPEN BEFORE. So it wasn't too much of a surprise when she ended up sitting on Dwight's desk. However, it was a surprise to see that she was talking to Dwight. The day went by like that. Evie hovered around Dwight like a drone, making sure he was okay.

          A candy bar dropped on Dwight's desk before she set down a can of coke. Jim looked up, flashing a smile over at the bespectacled woman. "Evelyn," Dwight greeted her, turning slightly in his chair. "Look what I found."

          He hit his space bar and music began to flood from his speakers. Almost immediately, Evelyn seemed to recognize the song. "No way," she blurted out. Jim watched in confusion as she moved in to peer over Dwight's shoulder. He looked happy, bopping his head to the song.

           "It's Cupid!" she exclaimed. "I used to listen to this song all of the time." She turned toward Jim with an excited smile. A part of her wanted to grab his hands and make him dance with her. The other part wanted to give Dwight the biggest hug for playing it. Softly, she began to sing along.

          The music didn't seem to bother anyone in the office. Phyllis tapped her shoes along, Oscar humming to it. Pam began moving her head along with the music. She felt so happy seeing her co-workers accept her music so quickly. It made her heart feel full. Dwight pushed out his seat and stood to his feet, offering his hand to the brunette.

          She didn't hesitate to place her hand into his. He spun her with a big smile before bringing her closer. A laugh bubbled out of the girl's throat as they swayed to the music. "This isn't exactly a slow dancing song," she reminded him before putting some space between them. "Watch my feet."

          It was like she was right back at her childhood home, in the kitchen again. She'd be standing on her father's toes as he danced her around the room, avoiding hitting her mother while she cooked. It always smelled so good and the music would be playing from their record player in the living room.

          "There you go," she encouraged. She looked up at Dwight with sparkling eyes as others around the office watched. The bespectacled man grinned big, giggling softly under his breath. "I like this song," he admitted, earning a laugh from his dance partner.

          Jim sat back, his eyes taking in the woman before him. Her long skirt swished around her legs, her shoes moving silently over the carpet. Dark hair fell in tresses down her back, moving with her like water. She resembled a beam of light, illuminating the office with her contagious laughter and earth shattering smile.

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now