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Paper Rings
chapter seventy three


                    "PICK A TIE, ANY TIE

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                    "PICK A TIE, ANY TIE." Evelyn's head picked up and over her shoulder. Jim stood in his baby blue shirt and boxers, holding up two ties. One black, one navy. She pursed her lips, fastening the back to her earring. "Black," she chose, and Jim lifted it closer to his face, "for sure."

He tossed the navy tie back onto his nightstand. She turned back to her compact mirror set up on his dresser. She had makeup products spread about on the surface. Her eyes caught Jim's in the reflection. "Woah," he exhaled. "Is the Evelyn Takahashi wearing a dress?"

He had been so entranced in finding his own clothes that he hadn't noticed Evelyn change. He hadn't noticed her roll on a pair of pantyhose or slip into the light blue dress. Surprisingly, she hadn't meant to match him. The universe just worked in their favor that day. "I am," she replied, focusing on her other earring. "I think it's time to try and branch out my fashion. The pant suits are nice, but I kind of like how feminine I feel in a nice dress."

His feet were silent over the carpet. Before she knew it, his arms were snaking around her waist. "You look great," he hummed, chin resting in the crook of her neck. She rolled her eyes at his compliment. "I mean it," he reassured her. "You look great in anything. Especially in my bed."

She didn't miss the teasing in his tone or the breath against her neck. He placed a kiss behind her ear, then to her head. His hands tickled her sides as he pulled away from her. "Get dressed," she told him, skin flushed. He grabbed the sides of her head and pulled her back just slightly, placing a big kiss to the top of her head. "Jim! I just brushed my hair!"

          He happily smoothed her hair back down before turning on his feet. She went back to applying her makeup, a hint of a smile crossing her features. "Do you want to get lunch today?" Jim asked. He was now sliding a leg into one of his khaki legs. She hummed. "I haven't gone grocery shopping yet, so I have nothing to make." She turned, lipstick bullet pressed to her lips. "Okay," she replied mid swipe. He grinned.

          The cap clicked back onto the bullet. "Want to get pizza? It's been a while." He shrugged. He didn't care what they got, as long as they were together. She smiled. "A large pepperoni. And we can get those garlic knots." Her lips pursed in thought. Just thinking about those garlic knots had her stomach grumbling. Jim shrugged once more. "Sounds good."

          His pants were now on and buttoned. He searched around his room for his missing belt. His brows puckered when he couldn't find it. "Hey, have you–" His words died down as he turned around. Evelyn stood there with the belt buckle hooked on her finger. "Found it," she teased. He chuckled, crossing the room back toward her. His body collided with hers, nearly knocking her over, hands holding her waist. His lips pressed to hers, hard and full of passion.

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now