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Paper Rings
chapter twenty eight



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                    EVELYN HAS A TENDENCY TO DELETE EVERY EMAIL SHE EVER RECEIVES FROM MICHAEL SCOTT. The only problem is that sometimes he uses the subject line as an emergency. When something is exceedingly hilarious — in his own personal opinion, of course — he makes the subject seem important. Like stating that the email contains a survey needed by corporate, or that she has to update her information for her file. The last time she fell for the latter, she ended up being sent to a cam girl website.

It was another day and another email was sent her way. The subject line claimed that she needed to click the link to be directed to a website for the Stanford branch's general manager. She wasn't sure why he'd send that to her, or if it was true. But curiosity killed the cat, right?

With a huff, Evelyn left the annex in search of her boss. She wasn't pleased to be sent to a website giving several tips on how to become the sexiest you. She wasn't surprised to see him leaned over Dwight's desk as a video played, animal sounds spilling out of his speakers.

She stomped up to her boss, arms crossing over her chest. "Michael," she called out to him with a stern tone. He lifted a finger, a smile prominent on his face. For a moment, Dwight glanced toward the woman. Her face reddened slightly. "Michael, I need to speak to you," she attempted once more.

Jim sat back in his chair. For a moment, his eyes met Dwight's. "'Scuse me, toots," a low voice sounded from behind her. Two meaty hands took her waist and ushered her to the side.

Surprise etched itself onto her face. Now stood beside her was Todd Packer. That familiar, red hot rage bubbled inside of her. Swiftly, she shoved his hands away. Before she could scold him, Todd's attention had turned to Michael.

In one fluid motion, Michael's suit jacket was tugged over his head. Michael released a noise of surprise, eliciting a childish laugh from Packer. Evelyn's arms crossed tight over her chest. She was starting to get really mad. "What has two thumbs and likes to bone your mom?" Packer asked.

Her top lip curled. Dark eyes glared heavily toward the man. "This guy!" he cheered, releasing Michael from his grasp. Their boss laughed, genuinely, turning around with a stunned expression. "Oh, you are so bad."

"Michael, I really need to talk to you," she tried again, taking a step toward the two men. Michael scoffed. Todd turned toward Evelyn, hands resting at his waist. "In a second, honey. The men are talking. Alright?" Michael giggled, one hand clapping against Tom's shoulder.

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now