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Paper Rings
chapter seventy two


                    FAKE TEARS

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                    FAKE TEARS. She really couldn't believe that he pulled out the fake tears, and it worked. God, Jim Halpert was something special. Evelyn shook her head, disbelief clear within her terracotta eyes. "The point I'm trying to make with all of this, people, is that I hate drugs. I hate them. And based upon what I have seen, you all don't quite hate 'em as much as I do."

          The camera zoomed in to capture the look of annoyance crossing the brunette's face. For a split second, she looked just likeAngela: scowling. "So you are going to have a drug test. And I am not." Dwight's brows furrowed. "No, you will he tested," he informed his superior. Michael looked surprised. "Yes. I— no, I will not be."

          "No, you will be. That is the law according to the rules." Evelyn glanced toward Jim.her thoughts from before has resurfaced. Could the culprit really be their extremely dorky boss? Did he dumbly leave a joint in the parking lot? "Okay. Well, Dwight, just know... that I've been very busy today. And I've got a lot of work to do. And I wasn't planning on going to the bathroom. And I don't even know if anything's gonna come out, okay?"

          "Ever?" Evelyn asked and Jim couldn't fight the smile from his face. The bright side to jinx was that she carried his weight. She continued his terrorism against Dwight and Michael well. "No," Michael replied. "Men don't— we don't pee as much as women. That's a fact." Michael cut his gaze toward the camera. It seemed he did that often when he was lying. Maybe to see if anyone caught it. Who knows. "Okay? Got it? Good."


It is none of my business what anyone in this office does during their free time. Well, except Jim. My business is his, and his business is mine, I guess.


But even if I did know, I don't care. Marijuana has great medicinal purposes. Back pain? Marijuana can help that. Cancer? Marijuana can't cure it but it can make it manageable. I mean, it does more good than bad. Unless you buy it from some shady person.


Dwight prides himself on being an upstanding citizen. He is honest, hard working, and he follows the law way more than the actual lawmakers. It was evident that he was going through something by the look on his face. Evelyn had noticed it when she came through for tea (and to, of course, tease Jim). She paused, brows furrowed.

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