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Paper Rings
chapter twenty nine



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                    SOMETIMES EVELYN WAS GRATEFUL FOR TOBY. When Michael wasn't around, things always seemed to go smoothly. The five minutes they spent in the seminar went swimmingly. So swimmingly that it felt as if she had stepped through a portal into a different reality.

She was, however, brought back down to earth the moment Michael Scott walked through that door with a blow up doll. "Is it over?" he asked, clearly out of breath. Kelly and Evelyn shared a knowing look. None of them were going to get out of this that easily.

Dwight wheezed out a laugh, pointing rather childishly toward the doll under Michael's arm. "I know, I know. It's good. It is not over." He set the doll aside on the entrance chairs. "It is not over 'til it's over." Michael shuffled back toward his employees, brows lifted. "Did he tell you everything?" he asked. "Obviously he didn't because you all still look relatively happy, albeit bored."

He took a pause to breathe and catch eyes with everyone. "Do you realize what we're losing? Seriously." Angela raised her hand. "Email forwards," she answered. Evelyn seemed to perk at the mention of emails. "Which I still need to speak to you about," she stated. Michael scoffed. "After," he replied before smiling over at Angela. "I mean, can we afford to lose email forwards? Do we want that?"

"Yes," Evelyn deadpanned. Angela nodded. "I hate them. You send me these filthy emails. And you say, "Forward them to ten people, or you'll have bad luck."" Evelyn grimaced. "I got a virus on my work computer because of one of your forwards," she continued. "They're inappropriate and, frankly, very uncomfortable."

Michael waved the two off dismissively. "Give me a break. Um, Stanley. How about that hot picture you have by your desk?" Stanley's face seemed to shift into a state of confusion. "The centerfold in the Catholic schoolgirl's outfit? I mean, it is hot, it is sexy, and it turns him on. And I will admit, best part of my morning is staring at it."

Confusion turned to disbelief and then to anger. Evelyn glanced toward the older gentleman, frown hidden behind her hand. "But what? Are we just going to take it away?" Michael asked. "That is my daughter," Stanley stated. "She goes to Catholic girl's school. I'm taking it down right now."

When she turned back around, Evelyn seemed to catch Toby's eyes. He shook his head, clearly exhausted with Michael. A sympathetic smile graced her features. "What about office romance?" Meredith suddenly asked, tearing the attention away from Michael's creepy statement. Toby turned toward the redhead with a sigh. "Office relationships are never a good idea," he replied honestly, "so let's just try to avoid 'em. But, um, if you already have one, you should disclose it to HR."

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now