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Paper Rings
chapter nineteen



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                    EVELYN COULD ADMIT WHEN SHE'S WRONG. It doesn't happen very often, but she's never a sore loser about it. Especially when she's wrong for a good reason. And she was wrong — she admits it! — about the Sales team.

          "Nice moves out there, Halpert," she complimented the giant, passing off a water bottle. His gray shirt was stained with his sweat. His hair was plastered to his forehead. He gave her a smile, taking the bottle and unscrewing the cap. "Thanks, Takahashi," he exhaled before tossing back his head.

          He guzzled down half of the bottle before screwing the cap back on. "Guess the bracelet really is lucky," she joked. He passed the bottle back into her hands with a chuckle. "Not sure if it's the bracelet," he replied. A furrow settled between her brows. He pushed back his hair, exposing his forehead. "No?" she continued curiously.

          His smile widened at her confusion. Without answering, he traveled back onto the court to join his team. "What– What was that supposed to mean?" she questioned in a mumble. Her arms instinctively crossed over her chest.

          Daryl passed the ball to Roy. Roy glanced over the court before taking it to the baseline, shoving past Michael in the process. Just as he went up to shoot, Michael began shouting. "Okay, foul!" he declared. "Charming. Charming." He slapped the arm Roy maybe had run into. "That's a foul."

          "Shouldn't there be a referee or?" Michael approached the chalked up free throw line. A few of the teams moved to take their spots down low. "He's a child," Pam whispered with a roll of her eyes. "Alright. I'll take it," Michael rambled. The ball was thrusted into his hands. "Thank you."

          He dribbled a few times, glancing up at the goal. Then he began tossing the ball into the air and letting it bounce back to him. Daryl stood with his hands on his knees to catch his breath. "Jesus," Evelyn whispered. "Just shoot the ball."

          After setting the ball down and wiping his hands off on his shorts, Michael was finally ready. Both hands sat on the ball, raising it above his head, and let it fly. It soared right over the backboard. Pam snorted while Evelyn sat there, mouth open in shock. The redhead nudged her to stop, she was going to pee herself if she laughed any harder, but the shock was too much.

          Michael clapped for himself, obviously embarrassed by the miss. Jim scrubbed a hand down his face in defeat. They may be ahead now, but who knows how long that will last. Lonny moved out of bounds to retrieve the ball while the sales team moved back onto defense. "Woo!" Evelyn cheered. "Let's go sales!"

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now