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Paper Rings
chapter ten



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                    EVELYN CAME BUSTLING THROUGH THE OFFICE DOORS LIKE A BULL IN A CHINA SHOP. Her glasses were askew, her jacket half on, her hair down and wild around her face. The first person to see her was Pam Beasly. The redhead's face dropped upon seeing the woman. "Evelyn," she whisper shouted, gathering the girl's attention. The rest of the office glanced toward her, only Jim and Angela's eyes lingering on the distressed woman.

          "I overslept," she blurted out, stopping at Pam's desk. She blew a strand of hair from her face, setting down her bag by her feet. "Yeah," Pam said, a smile crawling over her face. "Yeah, I can see that." She opened one of her drawers, her eyes never leaving Evelyn, and pulled out the tiny, brown hairbrush she kept there for emergencies. Evelyn fixed her glasses and her jacket, composing herself like she was tucked away safely in the ladies' room.

          "I'm hungover," she added, taking the brush and combing out the tangles in her dark hair. Pam snorted. She leaned onto her desk, peering up at the slightly taller girl with sparkling eyes. "That makes sense," she giggled. Evelyn brushed through her hair angrily, tugging at the tangles until they broke free. "Some small info: a cute guy bought me a drink at the liquor store."

          Pam's face brightened. A small gasp slipped past her lips. "No," she exhaled dramatically. Evelyn passed her the brush back, bending down to pick her bag back up. "Yes," she replied. "We decided to go for some tequila, so he bought the bottle for me. And then Payton kept insisting that I invite him over, but hello? He's a total stranger!"

          "Who's a total stranger?" Jim asked, approaching the two just as Evelyn began twisting her hair back. Her eyes flickered over toward her best friend, clip now held between her teeth. "Some guy," Pam replied. "He bought our girl a drink last night."

          Jim's brows raised in surprise. His head tilted to the side. "I thought you were just going to Olive Garden?" She nodded her head, clipping half of her hair back. "We did," she said. "It was at the liquor store after. Payton paid so much just for those stupid flavored shots with the cream on the side. They tasted like crap."

          She looked warningly toward Jim. "Don't ask." He lifted his hands in surrender, an amused smile crawling across his face. It slowly grew until his teeth were on show and his eyes were slightly crinkled. "I wasn't gonna," he fibbed. He totally was.

          She fixed her hair over her shoulders, brushing through the strands with her finger. "Okay. How do I look?" she asked the two, smoothing out her blouse with a half smile. Pam gave her two thumbs up. Jim's eyes looked over the woman before him once, twice before he nodded his head. "Better," he teased. Her eyes narrowed playfully at her friend.

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now