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Paper Rings
chapter four



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ONCE FIVE O'CLOCK ROLLED AROUND, EVELYN WAS READY TO LEAVE. With the news of downsizing, there had been a dark cloud hanging over everyone's heads. Everyone but Jim, of course. Evelyn's never seen him down before, really, except when they had watched Ordinary People.

          Once the clock struck five, Evelyn shut down her computer and set her things back in their original spots. Toby was doing the same, getting ready to go home after the weird day they had. "I could really use a drink," Evelyn commented as she stood from her seat and grabbed her bag from the floor. Toby laughed. "I understand," he responded. "I feel the same way."

           She slipped her arms into her sweater with a light smile. Once she was done and her hair was fixed, Evelyn pushed her chair back under her desk. She rounded the makeshift wall and offered her older coworker a smile. "See you tomorrow," she beamed, waving before stalking off toward the main floor. Toby waved back, smiling gently.

          "Evelyn!" Her head picked up upon hearing her name. Michael was peeking his head out of the door to his office. From the window, she could see Ryan sitting in there. Cautiously, she looked toward Jim. He looked between the two, just as confused. "Yes?" she finally responded, taking careful steps toward her eccentric boss. "The work day is over, so I was about to head..."

          "Come in, please."

          Her heart dropped to the floor. Her fingers tightened around the strap of her bag. "D– Can't this wait until tomorrow?" she asked, her voice dropping in volume. Michael shook his head, opening the door wider for her to enter. Her head snapped toward Jim, a knowing glaze over her eyes. He felt his stomach twist up in knots. 'It's okay,' he mouthed to her.

          She floated into Michael's office, her mind racing a million miles per second. He motioned for her to sit, to which she did. Her bag was clutched in her arms, pressed tight to her stomach. She glanced toward Ryan, receiving a small smile. "Hey," he greeted the girl, hoping to help calm her nerves. "Hey," she responded, though her nerves were still burning with anticipation.

          Michael sat between the two, his hand coming to rest on Evelyn's arm. Her upper lip curled slightly at the unwanted touch. "I'm sorry," Michael began, looking over at his employee with a calm face. Her eyes lifted from his hairy knuckled hand to his face. "Sorry?" she echoed that word, the reasoning behind this talk already plaguing her mind. "Fuck."

          Her hand flew to her mouth, tears already unconsciously filling her brown eyes. "There's been too many complaints. We have to... We have to let you go." She bit back another swear, tearing her eyes away from Michael. "Complaints?" she asked. "From who?"

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now