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Paper Rings
chapter eighteen



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EVERYONE WAS ALREADY MAKING THEIR WAY DOWN TO THE WAREHOUSE. The floor was almost empty, save for Pam and Stanley. Evelyn rushed through the room and into the break room. Just as the door swung closed behind her, she ran into something hard. Fingers wrapped around her biceps to keep her from falling backward.

She looked up to see Jim's surprised face. "Woah there," he exhaled with a light laugh. He wasn't in a suit and tie anymore. Evelyn glanced down at the gray shirt that sat on his figure. "Sorry," she replied, taking a step back. "I was just running to the bathroom before heading down."

"Smart," he said, his hands slipping from her arms and propping onto his hips. "Wouldn't want to watch NBA player James Halpert on the court." Her smile broadened, eyes crinkling. "This is, like, a once in a lifetime deal, you know? You're very lucky to witness it courtside."

"Oh, really?" she asked, her tone laced with humor. He grinned, chest rumbling with laughter. She tucked her hair behind her ear. His eyes landed on the necklace resting at the base of her throat. He reached for it, the tips of his fingers brushing her skin gently. She snorted lightly, smiling up at the sandy haired man. "Wanna wear it? For good luck?" she asked.

His thumb ran over the stone before he shook his head. "If this hit me in the mouth, I'd lose a tooth," he replied. She nodded her head, color flooding her cheeks. He let the necklace rest back against her skin. "Got anything else for a good luck charm?"

Her eyes widened a bit. Immediately, her left hand moved to the bracelet on her wrist. It was a braided bracelet she had bought on vacation one year. There was a bead with a cat on it. She loosened it and slipped it off, holding the black item toward him. With a lopsided grin, he held his wrist between them.

She huffed, but slipped the jewelry onto his wrist. With nimble fingers, she tightened it just enough to keep it from slipping off. "There you go, your highness," she teased him. He chuckled breathlessly. She patted his wrist like she would Walter's head right before leaving him for work. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I need to pee before I wet myself."

"Yeah, we wouldn't want that," he replied. He promptly stepped to the side to allow her to pass. "See you down there." She stepped before the women's bathroom with a grin. "See you down there, big shot."

She pushed into the room, separating herself from Jim. Fuck, she thought, pressing her back against the now closed door. Stupid butterflies.

PAPER RINGS ━━ Jim Halpert ¹Where stories live. Discover now