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"Fuck...Tee," I moaned as she gripped my twists back, my body arched.

I froze.

Damn, I slipped up.

She shoved me off of her, completely turned off and eyes flashing. "Who the fuck is Tee? Nahh, I can't do this, man."

"Baby, stop," I pulled on Adrianna's arm, trying to keep her in the bed with me. We were both naked, my breasts hitting the cool air. We were in her room, the blinds partially closed, no one home, the A/C high.

"Nahh, cause I don't play that," Adrianna pulled on an oversized shirt that reached mid thigh. She crossed her arms, apparently waiting for me to get out of her bed. Her curly hair was in a horrible excuse of a bun, and her brown, toned body was perfect for her smaller frame.

"C'mon, man. Don't do this," I pleaded.

"And why not?" she snapped, "You saying another shawty's name and here I am. What happened to-

"She's an...an old fling," I lied.

Indecision flashed across her face. "Fine, but don't do it again."

"Thanks, baby," I smiled, relieved.

"I still don't wanna fuck anymore," my smile fell, "So go wash ya ass, and make me something to eat. I'm gonna go get something from one of my niggas. I'm running low on my stash."

"Ight," I looked down at my exposed thigh not hidden under the sheets as the rest of me, waiting until she left the room to look back up.

I had been sneaking around with Adrianna for a few days, honestly using her as a stress reliever. Met her at a Shoe Show when I was trying to get me some more Vans out on the south side of Houston. She got my number, and I got her's, and we were flirting every since then.

The first time we got together she took me to Olive Garden, and smooth talked me into smashing somehow.

Turns out, she had been at that Shoe Show because she was looking for a fresh fit upon going to her new school. She was a few weeks late into the year because her and her parents split. So instead of going to the high school she had been attending, she was coming to mine's.

Hearing that after I got her number that day, a few things started to churn in my mind. Dating her...will make Tara jealous. And since I stopped giving a fuck what people thought at school...for the most part...I'm really gonna be pissing motherfuckers off.

I'll admit, there's a loose connection between us. It isn't anything profound, and she hardly gives me butterflies. But we're seeing each other for now, and she hits all the checks. She's loyal, she lays it down good, she's fine, she takes care of me, and all the other usual shit people be wanting.

It's just me.

I know my heart belongs to Tara.

I showered, and put my clothes in her washer, putting on another oversized shirt of hers. I went to the kitchen, and started making her breakfast, a little anxious about tomorrow honestly.

The questions and the looks had faded down since Nolina's little rumor first started, but nothing else big has happened at school. The three of us are still a topic of discussion, me and Caren are still on our dumb friendship break, and Nolina and Tara hardly talk to each other anymore.

Adrianna made it back to her crib around the time the food stopped cooking. I laid her plate out on her table, sitting on the couch as we ate in silence.

If she was Tara, I'd like to think I'd sit on her lap and eat breakfast with her. Maybe off of her. But she wasn't...so I'm reduced to this.

The lack of affection.

s𝚝𝚞𝚍 a𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 (𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚍x𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚍)Where stories live. Discover now