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On my way home, I noticed two things:

One, I had been blessed to live right across from the school in the past and now I have to walk damn near to a whole other city to get back to my dad's in the evenings.

Two, there was a car following behind me.

I had held up my phone, appearing casual, like I was just scrolling through it, but in reality I took a picture of the car behind me, over my shoulder, trying to figure out if maybe Adrianna had decided to slink her ass back to the Alyssum area and really start sumin.

I was ready to finish shit after the crazy ass day I had today, if I'm being honest, but I keep reminding myself of the promise I made to stay out of trouble.

Regardless, it wasn't Adrianna's usual Mustang, unless she switched the vehicle out for the day or something. So either it was somebody else...or it was one of my ex's.

Nobody on my side that I could trust! Not Caren, not Tara. Not my father. Definitely not my mother. Who could I text in a time like this to let them know I was very obviously being followed.

So that brought me to an important hold-up: Should I confront the people in the car, or should I just keep walking home. Possibly into a trap?

I stopped walking, sliding my phone into my pocket.

If I got kidnapped, then so be it.

"What's good!" I shouted at the vehicle, crossing my arms across my chest.

The vehicle rolled right by me, like the person inside wasn't paying me any mind. I wasn't tripping and I wasn't that paranoid. I know that the person inside was following me. They just didn't know how to react when I caught them.

Maybe have better creeping skills, I thought harshly, continuing my journey. The threat of the vehicle out of my mind now, my thoughts drifted back to today with Caren and Tara in the girl's bathroom.

I mean, I had been ready to keep them as friends and just dump Tara after I had cooled down and thought shit through, but then Caren caught that attitude with me in the hall and ruined the idea of friendship and forgiveness for either of them.

I was naive and stupid to believe that a girl I had been fighting for years and I would actually have something more than bloody noses after we left a room together. We weren't meant to be.

You know...I really am happy for Nolina and Caren.

And Felicity too.

Apparently everybody's realized that Tara's the one for them this school year. And I was just another bitch who fell for her ways. I applaud you, Tara. You really know how to break a heart. You did it right.

You played the game well.

But I'll bet I can play it even better, mama.

I made it back to the shack, munching on a bag of chips the old man had gotten around to get me.

I was sitting out in the front, minding my business and ignoring all the homework I knew I needed to catch up on, when that same car passed by.

And it was etched into my mind, so I knew it was it.

Before it could reach the front of the house, I walked down the path and onto the sidewalk. "You tryna do a drive by?" I shouted out as it passed by. "Where's your ammunition, pussy?"

I let the car leave the street, going back up to the porch. I was honestly curious if they'd pass by again, but I was even more curious about who it was and what the point of shit was. I really wanted to throw a rock at the car and see what would happen...but no. Then I'd be back in court and they most certainly would be tapping more than my wrist in jail.

I sat out on the porch all evening, like an old southern man with his cigar and homemade sweet tea, waiting for that car. My father grunted when he finally got home from wherever he worked, going into the shack without a word as he passed me by.

Once it was night time, I retired into the house, showering and laying in my bed.

I should've let my mom switch me out of this school when I had a chance. Now the only thing I'm stuck with is a bunch of regrets. And a stalker.

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