69 | Secrecy

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Dear Mikey and Takemichi,

Takemichi read again, this time reading the faded message you had wrote underneath the original letter. The message that was revealed with water.

I'm surprised you managed to figure this one out! Although I'm almost positive it was revealed through something dumb like Mikey kicking over his drink.

"How does she always know? And she's so exact, too."

However you found this message, I'm sure Koko would've figured it out or something. We used to play with invisible ink and draw on Inui's things. Speaking of those two, go find them. They got a letter similar to this. They should be at Draken and Inui's motorcycle shop. If they're not there, they're probably looking for a dollar store or something for some transparent red film.

"Like the one we have?" Mikey lifted the small square that had fallen from the letter.

"So our letters and their letters are linked together then." Takemichi tilted his head. "Why not just tell us outright?"

Mikey turned to the door, seeing that it was no longer closed, but slightly ajar. "Stay here."

Takemichi watched Mikey sprint out there door and was met with a situation similar to what had happened with the time capsule back in the future. He didn't let me finish the letter.

He looked back down at the dampened paper.

Don't bring attention to yourselves when you do this.

Your first name now appeared following your last name.

"They fucking bugged my bike!"

Mikey stomped in, throwing a small device into the wall.

"Who's 'they'?"

"I don't know! Whoever it is that was watching us!" Mikey suddenly went still. "Someone was watching Y/N-chin."

"That's what it seems like."

Mikey shook his head in irritation. "Let's head to Ken-chin's motorcycle shop. They probably need this." He held up the transparent red square and he and Takemichi left to Draken's motorcycle shop.


"Wait." Inui stared at the approaching figure in the distance. "Is that..."

Draken turned and squinted. "Mikey?"

Mikey and Takemichi came to a halt next to the shop and dismounted the motorcycle. "Hey... Ken-chin."

Draken stared at the boy before him and crossed his arms. "Your motorcycle seems fine. So, what's your deal here?"

Instead of defending himself like he would've a few years ago, Mikey held up the square of red film. "You need this, right?"

Koko stood up straight and nodded. "How'd you know?"

Takemichi held up your letter to him and Mikey.

"Ah, so you got one as well." Inui held up his and Koko's letter. The five of them gathered around the paper as he hovered the red film over the paper.

L/N Sunflower

"Who calls her by that?" Koko said.

"You sure it's a nickname? What if it's some sort of code?"

"No, that's a nickname."

Everyone turned behind them and saw Akashi... with Sanzu and Senju.

"Akashi?" Draken stepped away from the group, his eyes going from Akashi to Senju to Sanzu. "Or... Akashis, I guess."

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