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Kurt rises out of his bed. He wasn't sure what time it was– but he didn't care about that. He shoved the blankets off himself. He was hearing his baby girl crying.

His hand pressing against his forehead from the massive headache he endured as he walked over to the crib. His wife, Courtney was asleep in the couples bed.

Hi baby.." Kurt says softly as he picked up Frances. "No, my little bean– don't cry. It's okay. Daddy's here..”

Frances continued to cry. Her baby cheeks were slightly rosy from how much she cried. Kurt carried her over to the little chair that was in the bedroom and sat down.

He cradled his baby and sighed. His hand rubbing the baby’s small back when her crying suddenly halted.

Kurt noticed and tilted his head downwards to see Frances looking up at him with a small smile on her face.

"There we go.. my little baby." Kurt murmurs as he kissed her blonde little head. Her head lays down onto Kurt's chest– falling asleep. Her little hands gently gripping onto her father's bare chest.

A soft chuckle left Kurt's lips as he carefully stood, he walked back over to the crib and set her back in with ease.

"Kurt!?.." A grumpy woman's voice said. Kurt's head slightly turned around and noticed Courtney sitting up in the bed.

He only stood there. Courtney got up from the bed and walked over. Her hair looked so mangled up as she wrapped her arms around Kurt's neck.

"Hii.." She says and started to kiss Kurt's jawline. His boiled up anger rested in his heart as he slightly shoved her back.

"No!" Kurt suddenly snapped at his wife.  Courtney scoffed as she walked past him now– walking over to the crib and watching their child sleep.

"What the fuck is wrong with you." Courtney asks as she kept her back facing Kurt.

With a roll of his blue eyes, he went over to their shared dresser and grabbed the pack of cigarettes that were resting on top of the shelf.

"Gonna go smoke." He says in his usual rasped voice. As he grabbed a random shirt from the floor and slipping it on. He then walked out of the bedroom.

His feet trotting down the stairs as he felt his pockets for a lighter. "Oh. damnit!" He shouts as he went back up the stairs. Totally forgetting a lighter.

He opened the door to see Courtney holding baby Frances. Her little body still asleep.

His blue eyes glanced at his child for a moment before grabbing the lighter that he forgot.

"You're not gonna say hi to her!?" Courtney screamed out but got a shout back of.

"I helped her get back to sleep!" He shouts back as he left the bedroom. He felt so annoyed with his wife, not even just annoyed. – Hatred.

Opening his worn out front door, he walked outside and slammed it shut. He sat on his porch and brought the cancer stick to his lips.

He brought the lighter up and flicked it a couple times before the flame ignited. He lights up his cigarette and takes a puff.

Blowing the smoke up in the cold air. He noticed the sun was starting to rise.
"God damnit, I hate her." Kurt mumbled as he flicked some of the ashes on the floor.

"Hate who?" A voice said which resulted in Kurt snapping his head towards the voice. He registered it as Dave's voice and furrowed his eyebrows.

He noticed Dave come into view and sat next to the greasy blonde headed male. "I–" Kurt can only get the out before shaking his head and laughing a bit.

He brought the cigarette back to his lips and takes another puff before saying. "You know exactly who I'm talking about."  Dave nodded slowly.

"But I have to stay with her..I love her, but. Im not sure how I can do this anymore." Kurt vented on as he lifted his head upwards and takes a deep inhale of the cigarette. The smoke filling up his lungs before he blew it all out.

Dave frowned a bit. He knew he shouldn't feel jealous about Kurt and Courtney, but he couldn't help it. He knew their relationship was falling apart too. 'Kurt definitely deserves someone better.' He thought to himself as the sun fully rises up.

The two watched the sunrise. Kurt just felt so drained. His head slowly slumping onto Dave's shoulder subconsciously.

Dave felt his heart quicken it's pace but he dismissed it. I mean, it was 7:30AM.

Kurt flicked the cigarette onto the floor and then stomped on it with his barefoot. He hissed slightly and then laughed.

Dave was shocked as his eyes quickly darted over. "Dude!" He exclaims which resulted into Kurt laughing harder. He lifted his head and looked at Dave's facial expression.

"Whaaat? It didn't hurt to badly." He says but suddenly went quiet when he heard the porch door open.

Dave looked over and noticed Courtney and the baby in her arms.
"Oh hi Courtney." He says and internally cringed.

Courtney forced a smile on her face as she turned her attention to Kurt. "Come inside now." She practically commanded which resulted in Kurt standing up.

"I'll talk to you later Dave, say.. we have a concert tonight to perform don't we?"  Dave nodded. "Yeah, I'll call Krist and we can get practicing later today." He replied which resulted in Kurt nodding his head and walking back inside first.

Courtney flipped off Dave and then walked back inside. Slamming the door.


Dave mumbled as he walked away from Kurt and Courtney's house..

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