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Kurt started to have a panicked state as he rubbed at his arms. Dave frowned a little as he helped Kurt sit down at the kitchen table.

"It's okay, I'm here. I'm here." Dave says as he opened one of the cabinets and takes out the lefofexidine.

Once Kurt saw it he started to make whining noises. Loud groaning noises left his lips as he clawed his forearm.

"No..! No..! No!!!" Kurt slurred out as his head dangled downwards. His hair covering his face as he rocked side to side in the chair for a moment.

Dave couldn't help but feel his eyes water as he takes out a lefofexidine and walked over. He knelt down to Kurt.

"C'mon, you need to. Being on this isn't good for you.. let me help you. Let me be here." Dave croaked out worriedly.

Kurt lifted his head as his eyes looked glossed with tears. "Fuck.." is all Kurt can say as Dave carefully opened Kurt's mouth.

Loud screeching noises erupted out of the doped up male as he takes the lefofexidine that Dave had to give.

With a harsh swallow. Kurt lowered his head and started to cough. But it was too late. The lefofexidine consumed into his body.

Which made the male feel exhausted. Very drained out from the occuring recent events. His breathing was shaky as his head slumped onto Dave's chest.

His face hidden into it as his body slowly breaths. His body shaking a bit as Dave wrapped his arms around him. His forehead was drenched in sweat as well.

With caution, Dave picked up Kurt and started to carry him to the couch. A low groan left Kurt's chapped lips as he kept his head hanging low.

Dave carefully laid Kurt on the couch and turned off the lights so the house can be consumed with the night. It was about 4:30.

He brought the multiple blankets up to him and then checked Kurt's temperature. Realizing there was a bit of a fever, he sighed.

"I'll get you a ibuprofen so it can get your temperature down. Then we can watch a movie and fall asleep.. okay?" Dave says with care and worry.

He nodded as he blinked tiredly. "I'm sorry Dave." He apologized sincerely.
He laid his sweaty head back on the couch cushion.

"It's okay, I get it. It's hard. But please, no more..okay?" Dave sighed as he walked back to grab the ibuprofen.

Kurt watched with sore eyes. He felt the heaviness in his chest. Dave eventually came back and gave Kurt the pain killer and some cold water.

Kurt takes the medicine and drinks the water. It tasted nice to drink. Since he hasn't had anything hydrating like that in a little while.

He finished the glass of water and placed the empty glass on the counter. Dave laid down with Kurt and grabbed the remote.

He used it to press play on the VCR player. Kurt's exhausted head falls onto Dave's chest as he lazily watched the film.

Dave grabbed the little popcorn bag and held it up to Kurt. "Want some?" He muttered but his question was answered as the shorter  males hand went into the bag and grabbed the salty treat.

Kurt shoved some in his mouth as he ate it. He felt so loopy from the lefofexidine. He continued to eat a few more pieces before laying his head back down.

He hummed as his eyelids slowly closed. Dave slowly exhaled as he moved his arm and wrapped it around Kurt.

He rubbed Kurt's shoulder as he used his other hand to grab popcorn for himself. Eating it as he watched the film.

Halfway through the film, Dave placed his empty bag of popcorn on the floor. He turned his attention to Kurt.

The lead singer was passed out. He must've done way too many drugs today because of how exhausted he was. Which concerned Dave, he didn't want the man too O.D.

Dave checked Kurt's temperature and noticed it had gotten lower. Which partly calmed his nerves. Next, Dave moved his hand and placed it onto Kurt's chest.

Feeling the man's heartbeat, it was a bit quicker than usual. But not alarmingly fast.

The drummer sighed in relief. His anxiety was getting to him.
He knew if Kurt did O.D., he will be sentenced into jail from the illegal substances once treated from the hospital.

Thankfully, that wasn't happening. Dave shakes Kurt a bit. "Kurt, you here with me right..? I just want to make sure." Dave says worriedly.

Kurt grunted as his eyes fluttered opened. They didn't look as doped up as before. But more full of exhaustion and being hungover from the drugs he's done.

"What ..? Yeah, im here." He says sleepily before eyelids shut again.
Dave felt the anxiety feeling wash down as the credits of the movie played in the background.

Dave shuts off the tv. He picks up Kurt with a blanket around the male as he goes upstairs.

Kurt's head still resting on Dave's chest as his face was hidden by the blonde locks.

Carefully, Dave laid Kurt into the bed and covered the singer up with the bed comforter blanket.

He moved Kurt's hair away as he smiled a bit. Then, he walked into the bathroom. As quietly as he could, he knelt down to the bathroom cabinet that was below the sink. he puts on the yellow dish gloves that were stained with koolaid.

He opened it to find needles scattered below there. Being careful, he grabs each one and puts them into a large ziplock baggie he also found.

He then left the bathroom and quietly trotted down the stairs. Kurt was peacefully resting in his bed.

Dave knew his finger prints were gonna be on the bag, which made him worried. He left the house anyway. As quickly as he could, he disposed them into the forest. Along with the gloves.

He definitely didn't want Kurt injecting himself with this strong heavy drug again.

As quickly as he could, Dave ran back to Kurt's house. The dark blue rising behind him signifying that was at least 6:00am by now.

He ran back into Kurt's house and calmly shut the door. He takes off his shoes as he felt his feet ache.

With his hand on the stairway handle he walked up the stairs to Kurt's bedroom.

He went inside and shut the door quietly behind himself.

He didn't want to sleep on the couch.
He wanted to sleep next to Kurt.
And only, Kurt.

Dave laid down next to Kurt and wrapped his arms around the blonde. Kurt grumbled a little as his head tilted a bit. Slowing plopping itself into Dave's chest as usual.

The drummer couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Kurt, you doing okay?" He asked softly and pecked his crushes head.

Kurt hummed softly as his heavy eyelids opened. Blue eyes staring back into brown as he nodded.


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