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Kurt kept his eyes open as he looked up at Dave. "Yeah.. I'm doing, I'm doing okay now." He says sleepily.

Suddenly, the phone on Kurt's nightstand started to make ringing beeping sounds.

Dave grabbed it and answered it. Kurt was just laying his head on Dave's chest. Keeping his eyes open.

"Hello?" Dave says in the phone and it reveals Krist's voice on the other line.

"Hey Dave, how's Kurt doing? I called your phone but you didn't answer. Did you leave it downstairs? Anyway, I'm just checking in." He rambled into the phone.

Dave exhaled as his hand traveled into Kurt's blonde locks as he started to play with the grunge singers locks.

"Well, a few hours ago he was doped up on.. you know. But I gave him so lefo and he's doing better now." Dave explained. Kurt was wide awake and sobered up. Just remained was a pounding headache.

Kurt hummed as he mumbled into the phone. "I'm fine..just head hurts." Krist laughed softly in response. "Oh I bet. Now, you get some rest. Alright man?" Krist replied into the phone as Kurt just hummed.

"Mmm." He hummed. Dave moved the phone and started to talk into it. "Night, we both need to rest." "–Shit, same man. I've been up all night smoking my pot."

Dave and Kurt started to laugh quietly as rain started to pour outside."we did too a few hours ago. Night, Krist."

"Goodnight Dave, Kurt." Krist says as the phone line went dead.

Dave puts the phone back on the night stand and wrapped his arms around Kurt.

Both of them were sobered up from their buzzed drugs so it felt kinda odd. They haven't felt sober in the past occuring weeks so feeling it now kinda felt– heavy, yet nice.

Kurt laid his head onto Dave's chest. His headache was starting to subside. As Dave strikes up a conversation with his crush and best friend.

"How's your stomach doing..? Should we still schedule that appointment?" In which Kurt shakes his head.

He didn't want to see the doctor.
They will realize his drug addictions.
Which won't be good for him.

Kurt sighed as his blue strong sober gaze went up into Dave's brown eyes. "No, it's..fine. It's achingly hurtful, but. I can handle it."

"You sure? Because I can get your doc–"  "No. No. I've been through to much shit, I just.. want to relax with you, and no more distractions."

Dave felt his heart flutter when he heard that. His lips curled into a smile. "Just us?" He asked softly for a confirmation.

The two looked into each other's eyes. It was the same look. The same look of love and passion. The intense look that they had drawn for each other.

Subconsciously, both of their pupils dilated at the same time for a moment before going back to normal.

"Yeah, just you and I." Kurt replied as he held his finger up. He linked his pinkie finger with Dave's.

Dave watched as he repeated the same motion. They couldn't look away.

Both of their hearts beating at a steady pace. Both in sync for each other.

Their eyes staring into each other's souls. Soft breaths leaving there lips as Dave leaned in.

Foreheads softly being pressed together as Kurt's hand placed itself onto Dave's chest.

Warm, rosy cheeks rising to there faces. Yet, they couldn't look away. They couldn't break the tension.

Was Dave ready? He wasn't sure.  With a nervous habit, Dave bit his lips. Kurt seemed to notice as he mimicked the same action.

Blue rainy colored eyes against the dark muddy puddle eyes staring back.
They just, sat there. Staring at each other as the rain quietly poured outside.

Water droplets going down the window panes. Dave's gaze slowly traveled down to Kurt's slightly chapped lips before looking back into Kurt's beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey, Kurt..?" Dave whispered. His  breath slightly tickling onto Kurt's lips.

The feeling of love and desire poured into their bodies and hearts. Minds and souls. They needed each other.

They didn't want to hide it anymore.
They didn't want to hide their feelings for each other with the drugs. They loved the bond they shared with the drugs


They wanted this strong drug. This heavy drug of love. That's what they craved the most.

Hearts beating like a drum set in sync for each other. Eyes reflecting like mirrors of the same affectionate emotion they have.

"What?.." Kurt whispered back. His breath seemed to be slightly colder than Dave's.

Eye contact being held, as Kurt sat up with Dave in the bed. They couldn't look away. This drug– this feeling – this happiness they wanted for so long – it's here, and they were sickly addicted to it.

Dave's hand slowly slides up and cupped onto Kurt's cheek. He brushed the slight stubble that the man has with the pad of his thumb.

A deep intoxicated relaxed sigh left Dave's lips. But it wasn't with a substance, it was with the happiness he longed for.

The sobered men couldn't stop staring at each other. It felt like hours, but in reality it was still not even 8:00.

"I, have something I need to tell you." Dave ghosted his voice as he kept looking at Kurt.

Kurt slightly tilted his head to the side as his hands rested on Dave's chest. Dave was so close it was almost sick.

It felt like they were high, but they weren't. Kurt Cobain only kept his hands placed on Dave Grohls chest. He didn't shove him back.

He just kept his hands, placed there.
Such a gently touch. Dave in which enjoyed.

Slowly, Kurt's hands moved up and wrapped around the drummers neck. He hasn't felt this feeling in a long time.

It wasn't even the same feeling he expressed to his ex wife. No, this feeling was much much stronger and heavier for the man in front of his astonishing blue eyes.

"What is it?"  Kurt asks.

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