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Suddenly a loud bang of the door slamming open was heard. Which caused Dave to sit quickly up in the bed. It was Krist. He hasn't realized it was morning.

"Fuck! Dude it's eight! We forgot to set an alarm for seven!" He shouted in a panic before scurrying down the steps. Leaving the bedroom door wide open.

"What the FUCK." Kurt shouts out in sleepiness as he rolled over. His back facing Dave now. As he tried to fall back asleep. His eyes were too heavy to fully open.

Dave noticed and placed his hand onto Kurt's shoulder. He gently shakes him. "C'mon Kurt, we have to get ready for the interview. We woke up a little late."

"Nooooooo." Kurt whined out in a sleepy rasp of voice as he hugged onto his pillow. Dave sighed. "Fine, couple more minutes. I have to shower anyway. But don't complain if Krist starts waking your ass up."

Kurt let out a small grunt in aggravation as he flipped Dave off. Dave laughed as he got off the bed. He grabbed the clothes that were messily thrown on the night stand and went to the bathroom to take his shower.

A few minutes passed, and Kurt was about to be fully asleep before Krist just jumped onto Kurt's bed.

"Get the fuck up!-" Krist scolded and laughed. He was pretty much ready. Man, the guy was fucking quick.

"WHAT THE FUCK–" Kurt shouted as Dave laughed loudly from the bathroom, taking his shower. Hearing the commotion from Kurt's bedroom.

Kurt was halfway sitting up as he glared grumpily at Krist. Krist started to laugh as a giant smile rises to his face.

"Jeez man, okay! I'm up. Fuck." Kurt rubbed his face as he got out of his bed. Krist continued to laugh as he left the room so Kurt can get ready.

A sigh left Kurt's lips as he shut the door. He woke up with an empty, heavy feeling on his chest. He knew what this was. Absolutely despising the heaviness, he opened his dresser and takes out some clothes so he can change.

Once dressed, he stressfully ran his hand into his locks and groaned. He grabbed his completely worn out converse and a pair of socks and tossed them onto his feet.

Quickly lacing up the laces, a shaky breath exhaled out of the man. He grabbed the pack of cigarettes that rested on his night stand as he opened his bedroom door. Walking out.

The bathroom door opened as soon as Kurt shut his bedroom door. Dave walked out with hair wet. Kurt looked over and smiled slightly.

"Ready?" Dave asked. Kurt in reality didn't want to do this. He hated interviews, but he had to do them.

"Ready as I'll ever be, peachy." Kurt replied as the two men walked down the stairs. Krist grabbed a lighter when he noticed the two came down.

"You got a pack, right Kurt?" He asked and Kurt reached in his back pocket and pulled the familiar pack of cigarettes out. "Of course I do."

Krist nodded as he opened the door. Grabbing his keys from the little hook on where he hanged them at. Dave and Kurt both walked out first as Krist was the last one out. Closing the door behind himself as he watched Kurt place the cigarettes back into his back pocket.

"I'll drive." Krist says as he gets into the driver's seat. "My car anyway–"
Kurt let out a small genuine laughter as he got into the back. Dave decided to sit with Kurt so he wasn't lonely back there.

They harshly shut the car doors as Krist started up the vehicle with his car keys.

"You ready, Kurt?"
Kurt groaned and shakes his head. A small laugh leaving his lips. "No, I hate interviews."

Dave wrapped his arm around Kurt as the car started to drive. "It'll be alright." Dave says as he looked at the singer. Kurt huffed. "With a giant camera staring at me, ugh. Okay."

"Hey, we do concerts and shit. It's not too bad."  Kurt let out a small scoff as he turned his head to look out the window.

"Well, uh. Yeah. But still, the cameras are so annoying man..they literally like, shove them in my face." Kurt complained as Krist takes a turn as he drives.

Dave sighed. He knew he wouldn't be able to change Kurt's mind. He knew what the man was saying was completely the truth.

Krist continued to drive as he kept his eyes facing the road.

"How long till we get there?" Kurt asks as his head slowly slumped onto the glass car window.

"8:40 is the time. We will have to explain why we were a bit late. Takes about, forty minutes."  Krist says as he stopped at a stop light.

Kurt felt Dave's hand guide his head to the others chest. Kurt looked up at Dave. His head now on the drummers chest.  Krist continued to the drive car once the light changed.

"What..?" Kurt mumbled out as Dave looked into his eyes. "Is this better?" He asked. The look in Dave's eyes was intense. Full of passion and admiration for the lead singer in front of him.

Kurt reflected the same look which caused Dave to smile. They were so close, yet so far.

"Y'all flirting back there?" Krist teased which caused Kurt turn red in the face and imediantly object. "No!" Dave started to laugh as he wrapped his arms around Kurt.

They didn't care about seatbelts, literally.

"Seems like it." Krist says as a smirk raises on his face as he continued to drive. Now on the freeway.

"Shut the fuck up!-" Kurt says as his voice went slightly higher in pitch. Dave continued to laugh as he leaned his head down and laid it onto Kurt's.

Kurt started to laugh along. A nice, genuine laughter. One he hasn't done in a while. Dave seemed to notice as he hummed, his laughter slowly coming to a stop.

Twenty minutes passed and Kurt was completely asleep in Dave's arms. "Half way there." Krist announces as Dave gave him the thumbs up.

Dave laid his head back down onto Kurt's and watched the other male sleep. Kurt's head was pressed against Dave's chest. His reddish pink and purple locks slightly messed up and not brushed.

A contented sigh left Dave's lips as he moved his hand and held onto Kurt's. He was so damn close, but he didn't have the guts to say anything about it.

He watched Kurt sleep. Occasionally he noticed Kurt's dried lips purse a bit. Kurt hummed as his hand went up and scratched at his nose before lowering it.

Dave reconnected his hand with Kurt's as he brushed his thumb on top of the hand. The skin felt slightly dried but Dave didn't really mind.

They eventually pulled up to where they had to do their interview.

Krist parked the car. Imediantly people and cameras surrounding it.

Security guards coming over and one opened the door for Krist as the bass got out of the vehicle first. He went over and opened the back door.

"Oh fuck, hey. Kurt Kurt." Dave says. Realizing what was happening. Kurt grunted as he sat up.

Hearing the sounds of cameras recording and a bunch of voices of excited fans and news reporters.

"Oh, heyyy, morning.–" Kurt says tiredly as he steps out of the car with Dave.

He placed his hand over his face so he wasn't very seen by the cameras as Dave walked with him and Krist inside of the large building.

Security guards shoving people back as they walk into the building also. Two of them remained outside.

"So fucking bright in here." Kurt says as the interviewer guided the three to where they had to sit.

"Yeah, I know Kurt. But are you ready?" Dave mumbled the question as they took their seats.

Kurt nodded.


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