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The drummer kept his hand cupping Kurt's cheek. He had his head back for a moment. He brushed his thumb a few more times before slowly stopping his hand movements.

Kurt slightly tilted his head and leaned into the touch which caused Dave's heart to increase it's beating.

"Please don't be mad at me." Dave whispered out in a worry as he leaned back in.

Foreheads being pressed against each other again. There eyes staring at each other. Not leaving each other's gaze.

"Why would I be?" Kurt asks softly as his hands slowly went up and tangled themselves into the longer dark colored locks that Dave has.

He was too naïve, too oblivious to know how real love is suppose to feel like.

Dave felt his eyes water. The fear was starting to crawl up his spine. Kurt seemed to notice as a frown slowly crept onto the others lips.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asks softly. Dave blinked his eyes a couple times before he shakes his head slightly.

He kept his forehead against Kurt's as a shaky exhale left his lips. Kurt hummed as his hands started to play with the back of Dave's head.

This seemed to calm down Dave's nerves as a small smile tugged back onto Dave's lips.

Kurt mimicked the smile as he brushed his nose softly against the others. They were addicted to drugs, but they were addicted to each other more.

Kurt continued to give a couple of butterfly kisses [brushing his noise against Dave's.]– for a moment before a small breathy laugh left his lips.

"What's funny?" Dave asks as he raised an eyebrow slightly.  Kurt slowly calmed his laughter as his blue eyes looked back up into Dave's brown ones.

"You're nervous." Kurt ghosted on Dave's lips.  Dave felt his face warm up. He noticed the warmth resting on Kurt's face as well.

"And you aren't?" Dave asked.

"Oh, I'm terrified." Kurt replied as he felt Dave's other hand slowly glide up and be placed onto his side.

Kurt let's out a exhale. It tickled the other males face as Dave let out a low hum.

"It's like a new drug." Dave says as he bit his lip in fear and worries. Keeping the intense look of love and passion in his brown eyes for the lead singer of Nirvana.

"You're right." Kurt mumbled as he tilted his head again a bit to the left. Their gazes never leaving each other.

They felt looped up, stoned and high. Felt like they were on clouds but in reality they were completely sober. Raw emotion, raw feelings for each other.

They needed this.
They needed it so badly.

The guitarist and singer let out a small sigh as he bit his lips again. Dave couldn't wait any longer. He had to be brave. He was this close.

Even if it in a bed,
Even if it it wasn't anywhere special,
It felt special for them.
No matter where they were.

This intense feeling, this love drug, was there.
And it wasn't going to go away.

"I'm sorry." Dave ghosted onto Kurt's lips before he leaned in and kissed him. Kurt felt his lips smile for a moment.

Lips slowly moving in sync with each other as Kurt ran his hands into Dave's brown hair.

Dave's hands slowly guided down and placed onto Kurt's hips. They both continued to kiss each other with love and passion.

It felt like an eternity.

Kurt and Dave slowly pull back from the kiss. It was so new to them. It felt like a new drug that they just tried.

"I'm sorry." Dave apologized again. His neck getting goosebumps as he felt Kurt's finger tips lightly grazing the back of his neck.

"No." Is all Kurt said before leaning back in and pressing his lips onto Dave's.

They softly kissed once more before Kurt pulled away. Soft pants leaving there lips as they looked at each other with love once again.

"But, isn't it wrong to kiss a man?" Dave asks as he felt his eyes get glossed with anxiety. Kurt simply shakes his head.

"No. There is nothing wrong with that." Kurt muttered out in reply as he leaned in and pecked Dave's cheek.

The drummer couldn't help but grin like a dork at that sudden affection he got from the blonde.

"If you think about it. It's something, new. Something different. Like a new drug you're testing." Kurt says as his hands slide down Dave's back for a moment before coming back up.

Dave felt a chill down his spine but couldn't help but feel happy.

He did it.
He kissed Kurt Cobain.
The man he loves.

He was so afraid,
He faced his fear.

And did it.

Kurt hummed as he leaned back in and pecked Dave's lips.

"Made you fall quiet, are you okay?" He asked as he moved his hands away. But Dave only went down and grabbed onto them.

He held onto Kurt's hands as he leaned down and kissed them. Kurt couldn't help but laugh a little.

"I'm happier than I've ever could be." Dave replied as he leaned his head down onto Kurt's.

"Hey, Kurt?" He asks softly as his brown eyes look down to the blonde.
Kurt hummed as he moved his head.

So both of them can look at each other face to face once again.

"Yeah?" He says.

Dave takes a deep breath as he continued to hold onto Kurt's hands. Using his thumbs, he brushed the top of the grunge singers hands before confessing.

"I Love You, Kurt Cobain."

Dave says as he stared into Kurt's eyes with nothing but love for this man. Kurt couldn't help but return the gaze.

Both of them slowly leaned back in as pressed their lips together. Light smacks can be heard in the bedroom as rain continued to pour outside in Seattle.

Their lips continue to be pressed together for a moment before they slowly pulled away.

Dave and Kurt made eye contact.

"I Love You Too, Dave Grohl."

The end.

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