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Krist watched as Kurt takes a few swigs from the bottle again before lowering it. "Will you be alright with just Dave here with you?" He asked and slightly tilted his head.

Kurt's eyes looked over to Krist and nodded. "Yeah, I- I should be fine." He muttered out as takes a deep breath.

With a sigh of relief, Krist stood up. "Good, you take care. I will call you in the morning to check up on you." Krist says as he gets up.

He walked over and brought his friend into a hug. Kurt hugged the taller bass player back with one arm as the bottle of vodka dangled in the other one.

Dave watched as the two pulled away. Kurt sniffled and then gave a thumbs up to Krist. "See you later man." He says in a much calmer tone of voice as Krist walked to the front door and opened it.

He gave a little wave before saying, "Dave, call me if something happens."
Then, the door shut when Krist left.

Dave looked at Kurt. "You can continue to drink the bottle." He says bittersweetly as he fidgeted with his hands for a moment.

Kurt sighed and nodded before he brought the bottle up to his lips. He hesitated for a moment before he started to drink the alcoholic liquid.

It burned down his throat as he stopped. Kurt tilted his head back as he sighed. The smell of vodka leaving his lips as his eyes slowly looked at Dave. He placed the bottle down on the coffee table.

"Can we go on a walk?.." Kurt asked softly as his pupils dilate for a moment. Dave seemed to notice this as his lips curled into a little smile.

"Sure thing, let's go. I can bring a pack of smokes too. With some weed." Dave replied. Kurt grunted as he rises to his feet.

Dave repeated the action and stood up with Kurt. He went over and grabbed the pack of cigarettes that were resting by the tv and a lighter. He quickly went into Kurt's bathroom and looked through it for a moment before finding a couple ounces of weed in a ziplock bag. A small pipe inside of the baggie as well.

Then, the two left Kurt's home. The door being calmly shut behind them. Kurt's eyes were sore. Sore from crying.

Just, heavy and sore.

Kurt started to walk down his porch as the cold crisp air entered his lungs. He extended his arms up as he felt the cold Seattle wind blow through the night.

His faded 'dyed' hair blowing a bit from the winds. Dave couldn't help but smile. His hair looks more blonde again than red.

Slowly, Kurt's arms came down as he grabbed onto Dave's hand. Dave quickly looked over and chuckled before they started to run together.

Laughter erupted out of both of them as they ran down the empty road. Trees surrounding the area as they slowly halted there running steps after a few minutes.

Kurt panted slightly as he looked up at the drummer with a calm look in his eyes. Much more relaxed than he was previously. Which calmed Dave's nerves.

It was about 2:30 in the morning. Nobody was out. It was just them. Kurt started to walk as they appeared at a bridge.

Dave soon followed as the two carefully stepped and went underneath the bridge. It was covered in graffiti.

Kurt felt his body relax as he sat down underneath the bridge with Dave. The drummer tossed the little ziplock bag that was holding the marijuana contents in front of Kurt.

Kurt's fingers slowly unzipped the bag and take the contents out.

They prepared it as Dave handed Kurt the lighter. Kurt started to take a hit as he inhaled deeply of the buzzer.

After a minute, he blew out the smoke and started to cough. It kept going on for a few minutes. Both of them taking turns.

It somewhat smelled of weed around them as crickets made noises in the cold quiet background setting they are in.

Kurt's blood shot eyes look over at Dave as a small laugh came out of his lips. Dave couldn't help but smile, just hearing Kurt's laughter made him feel less worried about the lead musical artist.

Suddenly Kurt scooted closer and laid his head onto Dave's shoulder. Dave wrapped his arm around Kurt as he leaned his head onto Kurt's.

Both of them stoned.

"You want a cigarette?" Dave asked Kurt in a soft voice as his brown dilated eyes look into Kurt's blue dilated ones.

"Please." Kurt replied as Dave sat back up. He looked in his back pocket and takes out the pack of cigarettes. There were only two left. So each of them get one.

Dave moved his arm as he sat up better. He takes the cigarette out and hands it to Kurt. Kurt hummed softly as he takes it. He placed the stick to his lips.

Dave grabbed the lighter and leaned in close to Kurt's face. Kurt felt his cheeks warm up and his heart race as the lighter flicked on.

Both of them having a orange glow on there faces for a moment as Kurt's cigarette was lit.

Dave grabbed his own cigarette and lit it as well. He placed the lighter down at the floor next to the pipe as he tilted his head back and took a puff.

Kurt did the same as they both blew smoke into the cold air.

"Watch this." Dave slurred a bit as he takes a deep inhale of the cancerous stick before blowing up a smokey heart.

Kurt's eyes widen in amazement as a genuine smile rises to his face. "That's so cool.." He muttered and laughed softly.

Seeing Kurt being happy made Dave's heart happy.

He loves to see Kurt happy.

Dave eyed Kurt with passion in his dark colored blood shot eyes. Kurt returned the gaze of love.

It was like a mirror. Both of their eyes reflecting the same emotion they have for each other.

Dave felt his lips curled up as he flicked some of the ashes off his cigarette.

Both of the men take a couple puffs together. Occasionally blowing them into each other's faces with resulted in laughter and choking.

Suddenly, Dave puts his cigarette out. He went closer to Kurt and wrapped his arm back around. Feeling his high start to go down. He doesn't smoke it much, he wants to be as raw emotion with Kurt as he can be. But Kurt was completely high out of his mind.

Kurt seemed to enjoy that. his head slowly laid back onto Dave's shoulder. The smoke rising upwards from the grunge singers cigarette. It was still lit. But Dave's wasn't. It was put out.

"I like this." Kurt muttered as his blue gaze went up and looked into Dave's eyes once again.

"Me too, I like being here with you." Dave soon after replied.

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