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Dave couldn't get back to sleep. He refused to. His arms around Kurt as he lowered his head.

He gently pressed his lips against Kurt's head for a moment before pulling away.

A long exhale left Dave's lips as he looked at the sleeping Blondie. "Damn, I fell so hard for you.." He mumbled as quiet as possible.

He knew Kurt was asleep, but he was precautions. Kurt started to shift as his legs extended outwards for a moment before being tucked back in.

A snore suddenly left Kurt's lips which caused Dave to laugh softly. He turned his head and looked out the window. Watching the sun start to rise.

He heard footsteps approaching which caused his attention to be drawn to the bedroom door. He knew Krist was still around. So he dismissed it. A soft knock was on the door.

He wanted to dismiss it, but he decided not too. He carefully got out of Kurt's bed. Which caused Kurt to purse his lips in a pout as he slept.

Dave smiled at that before he went over and opened the door to reveal Krist. "What's up?" Dave whispered and Krist peered into the room.

"How's he doing?" Krist asks as a yawn suddenly escaped his lips. Dave rubbed the back of neck before replying. "Well, doing better."

Krist nodded. "okay, great. I was checking in. Uh, want to take a quick smoke outside?"
"Oh sure man. Do you have a lighter?"
"Yeah, got a pack?"
"Of course."

Dave held his pointer finger up for a quick second as he walked over to the nightstand and grabbed his cigarette pack. Krist waited at the bedroom door as he noticed Dave knelt down to Kurt.

"I'll be back, okay?"  Dave whispered to Kurt. Kurt must've heard because he slightly nodded his head before mumbling tiredly. "Okay.."

Dave stood back up and walked out with Krist. He decided to leave Kurt's bedroom door open just in case.

Krist and Dave went outside and sat on the porch. Krist lights up both of their cigarettes as they take a couple puffs before starting a conversation.

"You're in love." Krist says as he blows the smoke up in the morning crisp air. Dave flicked some of the ashes down as he lowered his head. "I–" He began but Krist just chuckled. Interrupting Dave.

"I see it. The way you're worried about him. The over sensational protective moments for him. The way you look at him. It's there. It's love." Krist says as he turned his head to look at Dave.

Dave knew that Krist was right. He sighed in defeat as he brought the cigarette back to his lips and takes a large inhale of the cancerous drug for a moment before blowing the smoke out.

"..You're right. You're fucking right. I love Kurt. I love Kurt Cobain. I love his smile, his charming eyes, the way he sings..his personality –Just–Fuck, I love everything about him." Dave confessed as he takes another puff of the cigarette.

Krist flicked his down and stomped on it. "Now, you have to tell him that." Which caused Dave to imediantly shake his head. "No, i-i can't right now. It's not.. the right time yet." Dave says.

Krist wanted to object, but he realized that Dave was right. "Yeah, i-i wouldn't advise confessing now actually, haha."

Dave takes his last puff as he flicks it down. He stomped onto it and then knelt down to pick up some of the cigarette butts. There were more than usual from the occuring stressful events.

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