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Hours passed– It was about 2 in the afternoon. Kurt was slumped over on his couch watching the TV that was in front of his eyes.

He blinked in boredom. Courtney entered the room and sat next to her husband, Frances in her arms. 

His head turned to face the two. His hand went over and held onto France's tiny one.

An empty look rested in his blue eyes as he watched Frances open her eyes. His lips curling into a little smile as Courtney handed him the baby.

"Hi baby.."He muttered as he leaned his head down and kissed her head. Courtney scoffed but smiled anyway.

"Dada!" Frances suddenly spoke which caused Kurt to tear up a little. He held Frances close to him and smiled softly. "Yeah, im dada." He responded with and kissed his little ones cheek.

Courtney smiled at that as she watched the two. Suddenly, a knock was at the door. Which resulted in Kurt standing up.

He held Frances as he opened the door to reveal Dave and Krist in front of him. "Hey Kurt!"  Krist says and smiled a little.

Courtney appeared behind Kurt as she held her hands out. Kurt noticed and sighed a little before handing her Frances. He knelt down and looked at his baby girl before saying.

"Daddy's gotta go do something, you won't like it. It's loud." He then giggled afterwards which resulted in Frances laughing as well. Kurt kissed his child's head before standing back up.

He went over with Krist and Dave to the garage– they decided to practice there.

"Will Frances be alright?" Krist asks as he slings his base guitar on himself. Kurt nodded as he grabs his own guitar. "Yeah, she's a tough little bean."

Dave went over to his drum set and sat down. He held his drumsticks up as they all started to practice.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Night rolled in as the three band members were at the concert. Kurt didn't even mention him leaving to his wife. He just didn't feel the need too.

Kurt walked on stage which resulted in fans pretty much screaming their heads off.

His blonde hair falling over his face as he stepped in front of the mic.  "How we doing!?" He says in the mic which resulted in the fans cheering more.

Then, the concert started. They played these songs:
– Love Buzz
– Lounge Act
– All apologies
– Breed
– Blew
– Polly
–  and lastly:
Negative Creep

Kurt finished the performance with throwing his guitar on the hard floor as he screamed loudly. Which, he shouldn't have screamed. But the man didn't care, his vocal chords were so strained however.

The fans cheered as Krist went up to the mic. "Thank you! Thank you." He says as Dave went over and helped Kurt grab his guitar and walk off the stage into the back area.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Kurt wiped the sweat off his face as he groaned. His head slumping downwards as Dave set a hand on his back. Krist walked over and knelt down to the blonde.

"How are your vocal chords doing man?" He asked jokingly which resulted in Kurt rolling his eyes and laughing a bit.

"Go get me some vodka.." Kurt says as Krist nodded. He got up and walked off to fetch his friend the alcoholic drink.

"That was great, you did amazing." Dave says as he eyed Kurt with a look in his eyes. Kurt scratched his arm as he nodded. He was craving, it. Something strong. Dave noticed and frowned a bit.

Krist came back and knelt down to the lead singer. Kurt grabbed the bottle and opened it. Imediantly taking a few chugs of it. Krist laughed a bit. "Let's get ya home."

Kurt nodded as he pushed his blonde hair out of his face. "Everything in the car?" He asked as he takes another sip. Dave nodded.


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