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(⚠️drug use)

Dave started to bang on the door again. "C'mon Kurt! You need to open the door, please!" He attempted again but he still don't get a response back.

"..FUCK." Dave shouted as he takes his phone out. He had to get Krist over. Now, he didn't know what to do.

He frantically dialed in Krist's number into the remote styled phone as he held the block up to his ear. He waited a few moments as he continued to knock onto Kurt's door.

On the other end of the door, Kurt sat there. His pupils were enlarged and dilated. A needle laying on the floor empty. His eyes were red and watery as he frantically stared around the room.

His hands going up and tugging onto his locks as his body trembled.

Dave finally got Krist to pick up the phone. "Hello?" Krist says into the phone. It sounded like the bass player just woke up.

"You have to get the fuck over here! Kurt isn't answering me! He locked himself in his room, dude. I'm terrified..he just randomly did this and won't talk to me!" Dave cried out in a panic.

"Okay, okay. Calm down.. I'm sure Kurt is fine. I'll come over with some lefofexidine.  Alrighty? Just try to talk to him. I'm coming." Krist says into his phone as he starts to get dressed. The phone makes rustling sounds on the speaker as Krist pulls up his pants.

Dave felt his eyes water as he leaned his head onto the worn out wooden door of Kurt's bedroom.

On the other end with Krist he threw on his shoes and grabbed his car keys. A pack of cigarettes in his back pocket along with the lefofexidine.

"Krist, I'm worried about him.."Dave muttered into the phone as he heard from the phone Krist's vehicle starting up.

"I know. I know, you have me worried too. I'm coming okay. I have to drive." Krist says and hangs up the phone. His hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as he frantically speeds off towards Kurt's house.

Dave started to knock onto Kurt's bedroom door again. "Hey.. Kurt? Are you there, hello?.. can you open the door. Please."

"What..? What..?" Kurt's voice suddenly spoke. Which caused Dave to gasp. He placed his hands on the door as he nodded. "Hi Kurt, hey. Hey." Dave imediantly says.

"Hiiiiii." Kurt says and looked towards the door with his blood shot eyes. "Kurt, it's Dave. Can you hear me?"

Dave asks as he heard the front door open. Knowing that's Krist coming into the house. Krist went up the stairs.

Kurt groaned softly as he crawled himself to the door. "Kurt, you in there buddy?" Krist suddenly asks as he went over to the door. Startling Dave a bit as he stepped back for Krist.

"WHAT!?" Kurt suddenly shouted out. Which caused Dave to shoot a worried look at the wooden door in front of Krist and himself.

"You need to unlock the door buddy. I don't wanna break it down." Krist says as he tried to door knob. It was indeed locked shut. The two heard crying sounds from inside of the bedroom and then laughing.

"Why!?" Kurt screamed out as he banged back at the door. Dave and Krist got startled slightly from the banging noise.

"We just wanna see you, Kurt." Dave muttered. Krist stepped back. "C'mon Cobain, open the door. This is your last warning before I break it down." Krist warns.

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