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All three were out of the bathroom by now. Kurt's hair was still somewhat damp but it was drying out.

Dave and Kurt were on the couch as Krist was choosing another VCR movie to watch.

Kurt's head slowly slumped onto Dave's lap. Dave quickly looked down to notice the dyed koolaid haired male laying on him.

His eyes were dilated and slightly red still as he giggled up at Dave. "Hii." "–Still high, shit stain?" "–Mm, a little bit."

Dave chuckled as he ran his hand into Kurt's hair. Playing with it. He realized the two had recently gotten much closer than before.

Ever since Courtney left Kurt, Dave's bond increased for Kurt.

Krist picked out a movie video tape and puts it into the VCR. "You know what sounds, good?" Kurt asks as Krist pressed the rewind button on the vcr, the screen was illuminating a bright blue.

"What?" Dave asks softly as he lowered his head and looks into Kurt's eyes. "Macn'cheese." He muttered out in reply which caused Dave to chuckle.

"You hungry or something?" "–Yeah! I haven't really, ate since.. Courtney left."

Dave shot a worried glance down at the lead singer and frowned a bit. Krist also looked over. "Dude, being on drugs and not eating for– what? Three days? Four?" "–Yeah, but, it's fine." Kurt replied as he ran a hand through his hair.

"No?? It's? Not??" Dave points out as he shakes his head in worry. "That can get you sick man."  "Ohh, maybe that's why I got sick.." Kurt replied as he scratched his head.

"You think?" Dave says sarcastically as he carefully got up. Kurt whined as Dave puts the couch cushion behind Kurt's head.

Dave walks into the kitchen and grabs out two boxes of macaroni and cheese. Deciding to make some for himself and Krist also.

"How do I cook this!?" Dave asks as Krist shouts back in response. "Read the box, dumb ass!"

Kurt giggled as he watched Krist click the play button on VCR before pausing the tape so Dave won't miss anything.

Dave read the boxes as he placed the large cooking pot on the stove with water in it. "Kurt! Come help me!" He cried out jokingly as Kurt groaned.

He got up– still in his boxers and nothing else as he trotted over into the kitchen. Dave seemed to realize since his face turned red. "You're still not dressed?–"  He muttered out the question which caused Kurt to laugh.

"I'll put clothes on in a minute. Now what's your deal?" Kurt muttered as he tilted his head and smiled at Dave.

Dave felt his heart quicken it's pace as he replied. "Just need help with your stove."  Kurt nodded as he subconsciously leaned his chest onto Dave's back as he fidgeted with the stove knobs. Dave knows Kurt was high however so he didn't say or question it.

"Yeah just..turn the knob to uh, eight. Then if it starts boiling uhhh, switch her down to like a four." Kurt says as he turned the knob to the number eight.  The stove turning on.

"Here's a strainer." He muttered as he walked over and opened the lower cabinet. Slamming the strainer onto the kitchen counter. Dave started to chuckle as he poured the noodles into the pot.
"Thanks." He thanked Kurt as the lead grunge singer pecked Dave's head and walked off.

"Yeah..! Now make it!" He says as he walks off. Dave felt his cheeks warm up as he started to cook the meal. 'That didn't mean anything, he's just stoned.' Dave thought as he continued to make the food.

About 10 or so minutes passed and the food was finished. He added the milk and cheese as he stirred the contents together. Already have strained the water out earlier.

"Kurt! Krist! Foods ready!" Dave called out. Krist imediantly went in the kitchen and served a bowl for himself. while Kurt can be heard coming down the stairs in a pair of pajama pants and no shirt. Dave glanced over and watched Kurt walk in and grab a bowl.

They made a brief eye contact before Kurt disappeared with Krist back into the living room with full bowls.
Dave served some for himself and then followed the over two.

"By the way Dave, you've been wearing the same clothes since you stayed the night at Kurt's." Krist pointed out as opened the bag that was next to him. He tossed Dave some clothes.

"I trespassed into your house to grab some clothes for you before I came here yesterday. Thank me."  Krist laughed as Dave shakes his head. "Well, thank you-" He started to eat, deciding he should wear the clothes that were thrown at him for the interview tomorrow.

Krist pushed play on the VCR as all three of them started to watch the movie that was programed on the small boxed television.

Kurt boredly watched the film. Stuffing his face with the goodness of macaroni and cheese as his reddish hair fell into his face.

Dave noticed and moved Kurt's hair away. They made a brief eye contact once again before Kurt's eyes pried away from Dave's and looked at the TV.

Dave noticed the whiteness of Kurt's eyes were more visible and less red as before. They looked slightly like a lighter pink. He sighed a little in relief as he started to eat his own food.

After awhile, all three finished their food. Kurt stood up and takes everybody's bowls. "Here, I got it." He says in his raspy tone of voice as he walked back into the kitchen and tossed them in the sink.

Krist eventually fell asleep in the chair he was sitting in which caused Dave to chuckle. "Krist-" he says and shakes him. Krist opened his eyes. "What–"  Krist says and blinks as Kurt enters back into the room.

"Looks like Krist is sleeeeepy." Kurt says in a teasing tone and laughs. "Say, what time is that interview tomorrow?" He asks as he looked around at the two.

"Nine in the fucking morning." Krist says and yawned. "And it's, 1:30 right now."

Dave's head snapped towards the clock and went wide eyed in shock at how late it's gotten. The sound of the movies credits played in the background.

"O-oh, shit! It got late, fucking fast." Dave cussed out which caused Kurt to giggle. His head slowly swaying downwards and laying on Dave's shoulder.

Krist shuts off the TV. "We should get to bed if it's going to be so damn early. We will have to wake up at like seven to get ready."

Kurt whined. "Carry me Daveyy." Dave laughed as he stood up. He picked up the shorter lead singer with ease.

Kurt slumps his head on Dave's shoulder. His long hair slightly dangling down as Dave rubbed Kurt's back. "You that dazed from smoking that much pot now?" He asked and laughs.

Krist shakes his head and laughs along with Dave. "But I'm not even high! I'm just, suddenly tired." Kurt complained as his eyes blinked slowly.

"Okay, well let's get you to bed then.." Dave replied in a soft voice.

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