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They arrived at Kurt's house. Krist looked at Dave. "I'm gonna come in with you two so I can help. Just, just in case if he, you know." He says as he exited the car mumbling his words to Dave.

Dave quickly nodding, understanding what Krist was talking about. They noticed Kurt imediantly walk into the house. Not evening waiting for them.

The two quickly followed in, the door was almost slammed in there faces but Krist caught the door and pushed it open.

Dave and Krist came inside. Dave shut the door behind Krist as he watched Kurt walk into the kitchen.

The sound of a glass breaking can be heard. Dave glanced at Krist as he shakes his head.

He quickly ran into the kitchen to find a broken cup on the floor. "GOD DAMNIT!" Kurt screams out as he grabs the bottle of vodka from the fridge.

Ignoring the broken glass. Krist sighs as he went over and grabbed a broom, decidedly to clean it up so nobody can get hurt. Dave went over and grabbed onto Kurt's arm.

But Kurt tried to pull back. Dave raised his voice a little. "Just come sit down man!" He says in a worried shouting tone as he tugged Kurt back to the couch.

Kurt slumped into the couch as he held the bottle of vodka in his hands.  Dave sat next to him as Krist continued to clean the mess that occured in the kitchen.

"Look at me before you take a sip. Right now." Dave demands as Kurt's watery blue eyes look over at Dave. His breath was staggered. The bottle was literally trembling in the man's hands.

"You did the right choice by letting Bean go. Do you really want her to be raised into the life of how a rockstar is?" Dave asks in a calm manner as he stared at Kurt with dead serious eyes.

Kurt shakes his head but Dave continued. "Use your words. Talk to me." He says as he placed his hand on top of Kurt's trembling right hand.

In a panicked state, Kurt tangled his fingers in with Dave's and gave a tight squeeze. "N-no." He shakily spat out. "I want her to.. to be safe."

Dave nodded.."And healthy, right?" He asked as he squeezed Kurt's hand back. The faded red 'dyed' locks fell into Kurt's face. Dave used his other hand and moved them back.

"Yes, a healthy.. happy little girl." Kurt responded as he looked at the floor. A tear slowly dropped to the floor as he takes a few deep breaths.

"Yeah, yeah." Dave muttered as he leaned his head down. He laid it on top of the crying lead singers head.

"I'm sorry." Kurt apologized out of random. Which made Dave furrow his eyebrows. "Why are you apologizing man..?"

"I feel like a horrible father." He admitted as he moved his head back from Dave. Dave sighed.

"But you did the right thing. Because you can't come clean, you decided to remove your daughter completely from it so she doesn't get into that mess. Now that's the most, bestest thing to do. You're an excellent father, Kurt. It may not seem like it to other people, but– It's alright."Dave says as he looked into Kurt's eyes.

Kurt felt his heart swell up as Krist entered the room. Kurt looked at the two band members before he brought both of them into a hug.

Dave wrapped his arms around Kurt and Krist did the same. The bottle was tightly gripped onto Kurt's hand as slowly takes some breaths.

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry." Kurt apologized again but Krist shakes his head. "Cmon man, you have to stay strong for us. Where's the Kurt we know? The rockstar that screams and throws his guitar and breaks It?"Krist asks with a lighthearted chuckle.

Kurt's head slowly slumped down onto Dave's chest. Krist pulled away from the hug and knelt down to the lead singer.

"Here.." He muttered. "Here and angry. Here and, upset. Here and fucked up in the brain.." Kurt replied as Dave started to rub his back. "But it's going to be alright Kurt. Look, look at me." Dave commanded softly.

Kurt's eyes slowly looked over at Dave. They both made eye contact.

Dave slowly smiled.."You're the most, amazing person I ever met. When we were in highschool, we didn't know if we would make it. Now look at us, we decided to slack off and make our band, Kurt! That's – That's a dream come true, fucker!" Dave laughed a bit as he moved his hands up and wiped Kurt's tears away.

"You're a brave and sweet man. You did something so brave. Something you knew deep down that was right to do. Frances Bean Cobain will be alright with Courtney. I promise you, Kurt. It's going to be okay."

Dave says as he brought Kurt close. He started to rub his back. The bottle trembled in Kurt's hands as Krist carefully took it away.

Frantic eyes look over at the bottle as Krist sighed. "I'm just talking a drink." Krist says as he opened the bottle.

Kurt's glossy teared eyes look back over at Dave. He sniffled a few times as he croaked out.

"I don't know how long I can do this anymore."  He muttered as he sniffled. Dave widened his eyes a bit as he started to rub Kurt's back again.

"Don't even think about leaving us, Kurt. Don't even..please." Dave says in a panicked state as his hands imediantly grabbed onto Kurt's.

"I won't, I won't." Kurt says which caused Krist and Dave to feel relieved. "I'll stay.. I'll stay for you two." His voice cracked as he laid his head onto Dave's chest.

Dave literally started to sway Kurt forward and backward to help comfort the man. Kurt wasn't crying anymore. Just numb, empty blue eyes blankly staring at the bottle in Krist's hand as he watched it come up.

Krist takes a sip of the bottle before holding it out to Kurt. "C'mon man, it'll be alright."

Kurt slowly nodded. He sat up and grabbed the bottle. He takes a few sips of the alcoholic drink before sighing and lowering the bottle.

Dave glanced at Kurt. "I'm here. Krist is here. We are here for you." He says–his voice full of care for the other as he leaned his head down pecked Kurt's forehead.

He just needed too.

Slowly, Kurt's lips curled into a smile as he nodded.

"Yeah.. you're right. I'm Kurt fucking Cobain!" He shouts as he held the bottle up before chugging some of it.
Dave nodded as he started to smile along with Krist.

"Yeah, yeah you fucking are." Dave says.

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