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(heavy drug use⚠️)

The two men continued to stare at each other. Their eyes still partly blood shot.

Dave bit his lip for a moment as he leaned in a bit. His forehead slowly pressing against the other males.

Kurt hummed as he partly tilted his head. He mumbled out the question. "What is it..?"

His voice was slightly slurred as Dave leaned his gaze down to Kurt's lips. Slowly he pulled back. He couldn't. He couldn't do it yet. Kurt wasn't even sober, it'll feel wrong if he did it now.

"Sorry, I got too close." Dave replied as a heart aching laugh left his lips. Kurt laughed a long. His breath still had a brief smell of vodka, cigarettes, and marijuana.

Dave can smell the scent of the drugs off of Kurt's lips and shakes his head with a smile. He stood up and held his hand out.

"You ready to head back to your place, Kurt?" He asked softly as he looked down lovingly at Kurt. So damn close, yet so damn far.

Kurt grabbed onto Dave's hand and nodded. "Y-yeah, yeah I'm ready." He says as Dave pulled him up.

Converse skidded across the dirt which caused some smoke and dirt dust to come up. The cigarette dropping out of Kurt's fingers as he stomped it out.

Deciding the leave the cigarette butts, Dave picked up the pipe and checked the little baggie– it was empty. No more weed contents were inside.

He scoffed and shoved the pipe and ziplock into his jean pocket. Then, the two started to walk off together.

Leaving the bridge, totally forgetting the finished pack of cigarettes. Just a little empty box and some butts remained where they previously were at.

Dave laced his hand with Kurt's as they walked back. Stoned eyes looked at Dave for a moment before the gaze slowly dropped to the floor that was underneath their worn out shoes.

Kurt sighed. "I'm taking a shower when we get back. I desperately need one." He says as he continued to walk.

Dave chuckled as he nodded. "Okay, do you want me to get a movie set up and we can eat some popcorn, buddy?"

Kurt hummed as he nodded. They reached their destination that they strived for. Dave opened the door and allowed Kurt in first.

Suddenly, Kurt scratched his head. He was craving it. But Dave didn't notice.

Dave shut the door behind himself once he entered. Kurt went upstairs and into his room to grab some clothes for his shower.

A hum left Dave's lips as he started to grab blankets to make the couch all comfortable for the two friends.

But he wished they were more than friends. Which pained his heart. He wanted to let Kurt know, but he wanted to tell him when it's raw sobered up emotion.

As he placed a blanket onto the couch, he noticed the same envelope resting on the kitchen table. It had the divorce papers in it.

A sigh left Dave's lips as he went over to it. He grabbed it and quickly went outside with it. Shoving it into the mailbox, he knew Kurt wouldn't have the motivation to do it. So he decided to do it for him.

Coming back inside, he felt an odd feeling in his chest. He shut the door behind himself as he walked into the kitchen. He got himself a bottle of water and takes a few sips.

As for Kurt, he finished up his shower. A towel around his waist. It has been weeks since he washed himself, so it felt nice to shower.

Low exhales left Kurt's lips as he got himself dressed into a simple baggy maroon long striped sleeve shirt and plain black baggy pj bottoms.

He started to scratch at his face. With a groan, he brought the towel and rubbed his face and hair with it.

The koolaid drained out of his hair now, so it was back to his original blonde. Only a few splotches of faded purple-y red ends left in his hair.

He looked at himself in the mirror. Then glared. His eyes were partly red– more pink as his high started to go down. He started to pick at his face again.

With trembling hands, Kurt knelt down and opened the bathroom cabinet that's under the sink. He started to rummage through it.

"Where.. where is it." He muttered in a frantic as he continued to search for, it.

Footsteps started to approach the bathroom as Kurt searched more in a panic. His eyes widening as he finds one of his needles.

With a sigh of relief, his back hit the wall when he scooted back to it. Dave went to the bathroom door and started to knock on it.

"Kurt? You alright in there? I got the blankets and popcorn ready." Dave asks as he placed his hand on the door knob.

But the blonde didn't respond. He pushed his sleeve up as he held the needle tightly in his hand.

"Kurt..?" Dave asks again, his voice getting more concerned. Again, Kurt didn't respond. His blonde were hair slumped into his face.

Beads of sweat formed on Kurt's head as he slowly injected himself. He pushed the chemicals inside as a hiss left his lips.

Dave couldn't just stand there anymore. He turned the knob and it opened. There, he saw what was happening.

His brown eyes widening in shock as he panicked. He rushed over, his dark long hair swayed as he knelt down to Kurt.

"Nono, buddy. Why.. why did you do it..?" Dave asked in a panic as he moved his hand over. He grabbed the needle out of Kurt's hand.

It was halfway used. Dave shakes his head in dissatisfaction as he tossed it into the trash. Kurt's pupils were enlarged and dilated once again as he turned his head to face Dave.

"I'm sorry.. I just, I just had too. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" Kurt replied in a shaky and exhausted tone of voice. Dave sighed.

"Come on buddy, let's go lay down. But first you need to take more lefofexidine. Okay?" Dave says in a soft commanding tone as he held his hand out for Kurt.

Kurt's body spasms for a moment before his hand shakily went up and held onto Daves. It twitched in the drummers hand as Kurt stood back up.

Droplets of water dripping down Kurt's hair as he takes a few shaky breaths.

Slowly, they left the bathroom. Dave was being careful with the doped up male as they slowly went down the stairs.

Kurt used his other hand to scratch at his head as Dave continued to hold onto Kurt's right hand.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here, okay?" Dave says reassuringly as the two reached the kitchen.

Kurt only nodded in reply.

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