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Dave slowly opened his eyes first. He wasn't sure what time it was. But he knew it wasn't the morning. Hell– not even a pinch of blue in the sky yet.

His head slowly turned over to notice Kurt still asleep. His hands gripping at the fabric of the blanket. Dave's lips slowly curled upwards as he scooted closer to Kurt.

Kurt's lips smacked together for a moment as he shifted in his resting place. He grunted as he fully rolled over and faced Dave.

Blonde locks slowly sliding down and partly covering Kurt's face as he clicked his tongue quietly before a snore left his lips. Dave chuckled quietly as he slowly raised his hand.

He carefully moved Kurt's blonde hair. He then placed his hand against Kurt's forehead to feel his temperature.

The fever seemed to have gotten lower which was very relieving.  Dave sighed softly in relaxation as he scooted closer to the blonde male.

"Mm.." Kurt hummed in his sleep as his hand reached up and scratched at his face. Dave watched with his brown eyes as Kurt's hand slowly stopped and he snuggled into his pillow.

Dave slowly wrapped his arms around the lead singer and sighed a bit. He couldn't help himself. He just wanted to protect Kurt. This strong feeling to protect him..lingered.

Kurt seemed to like that as his head slowly slumped onto Dave's chest. Snores leaving his throat as he clicked his tongue again. Dave smiled as he brought the blanket up more and covered Kurt better up with it.

"Guess you missed when someone slept next to you, huh.." Dave mumbled as he ran his hand through Kurt's hair. He frowned a little as he gently scratched the blondes head.

"Mm.." Kurt hummed as his eyes slowly opened. Dave realized this as his heart starts to pound hard in his chest. He knew damn well Kurt can feel that too–since, his head is–literally Dave's chest.

Blue eyes crash up into Dave's brown ones. Kurt smiled sleepily. "Hi.." he croaked out. Dave looked down and chuckled softly. "Hey, how are you?"

"Mm..tired." Kurt responded as he snuggled his face into Dave's chest. Dave couldn't help but tear up. He leaned his head down and laid it onto Kurt's.

"You feeling sick at all..?"
"A little.."  Kurt murmurs as he attempted to drum his fingers on Dave's chest, but wasn't doing very well. Dave chuckled. "It goes like this." He whispered as he laced his fingers in with Kurt's hand and used their hands together to make a little drum beat on his chest.

Kurt watched with a soft gaze in his eyes. A soft and sleepy laugh leaving his lips as Dave continued the small beat for a moment. Blue eyes slowly look up at Dave. Dave felt his breath get caught up in his throat.

The look in Kurt's eyes. It was full of love and admiration. Dave slowly returned the gaze as they both looked at each other.

Nobody talked, the sound of rain started to pour outside. It felt like forever, but Kurt's eyes slowly darted downwards.

Dave sighed softly as he squeezed Kurt's hand softly. He leaned down and laid his head onto the blondes.

"I'm here." Dave whispered.  Just hearing those words made Kurt's eyes water. He slightly nodded his head and then shut his eyes.

"I know you're not doing the best right now, but I'm here. Okay?" Dave says as he brushed his thumb on the top of the others hand.

Kurt's eyes fluttered back open. He blinked them a few times. Still feeling a bit loopy from the lefofexidine. But isn't high any longer.

Dave let out a exhale as he moved his hand away. He used the other and rubbed the grunge singers back.

"It's hard.." Kurt mumbled. Dave nodded, listening to him. "It feels like.. like, I'm drowning in a way. Like–" he furrowed his eyebrows as he looks up at Dave.

Dave looked into Kurt's eyes. He didn't care about anything or anyone else. Just this moment with Kurt.

"Like I'm trying to reach for the life and enjoyment of being out of the cold waters, but they're like.. fucking.. dragging me back. And wanting me to sink and stay down in this hell forever, you know?"
Kurt muttered. He didn't mean to be so detailed about how he felt. But, it spilled out of his lips. He needed someone to talk to him. He needed this.

"But you aren't alone with this. I'm here, and I can extend my hand and pull you out of the cold waters and save you." Dave says as he smiled a bit. Kurt's eyes widen as his body tensed from being astonished.

Dave shakes his head with a chuckle. "Hey, me and Krist are here. It's our little group, and we will continue until the end. Okay?"

Kurt slowly laid his head back down onto Dave's chest and nodded. "Yeah, just us against the sphere we live on."

"Yeah, with a bunch of fans.." Dave says which caused Kurt to laugh and roll his eyes.

Dave rubbed Kurt's back as he hummed softly. "You still tired, aren't you?"  He asked. Kurt grunted as he shifted his body so he can get comfortable again.

Dave sighed softly as he wrapped his arms around his crush and lead singer."Yeah, still kinda.. dazed." Kurt replied as his blue eyes looked back into Dave's brown eyes.

"Well, get back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." Dave replied in a soft voice.

Kurt nodded as his eyes shut. Dave hesitated for a moment before bringing his hand up into Kurt's hair and starts play with it.

He noticed the male slowly stopped being tensed which caused the drummer to smile slightly.

"Feels nice.." Kurt mumbled out which caused Dave to smile more. Dave's eyes slowly looked to the window, to see a faint color of dark blue as the rain wasn't as hard as before.

He knew the sunrise will start pretty soon.  Fingers tangled themselves into Kurt's blonde messy locks as he gently scratched the males scalp. A low hum of satisfaction left Kurt's throat as he smiled.

Dave chuckled quietly as he continued. Slowly, the smile faded away and Kurt fell asleep once again.

Dave noticed this but didn't stop. He just continued to play with Kurt's hair as he whispered.

"Goodnight, Kurt."

I'm Here - KAVEWhere stories live. Discover now