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Kurt slowly opened his eyes. Krist noticed and chuckled. "You want Dave just to be here for you tonight?"

The lead singers eyes slowly gaze up to the drummer as he snorted out a laugh. "Yeah...! Dave, sleep over."  Dave felt his heart flutter for a moment and smiled. "Okay, yeah. Of course I'll stay for you."

"Hey..! Krist!" Kurt turned his head to look at him. "I'ma have a fuckin sleepover with dave!"

Which caused all of them to laugh, as Kurt stumbled back a bit and rubbed his face.

"Oh, yeah, yeah." He muttered as Dave quickly went over and held onto Kurt's arm so he didn't fall.

"Well, have fun." Krist says and winked which caused Kurt to shake his head and laugh. Dave felt heat rush to his face as he flipped Krist off.

Krist started laughing as he left the bathroom, and leaving Kurt's house. He went over to the car and honked before driving off.

"Now, are you doing okay?.. really?" Dave asks with worry as he knelt down and held onto Kurt's hands. The long haired blonde slowly looked down and shakes his head.

"No dude, my child is with her. You know?." Kurt says as he moved his hands back. He walked out of the bathroom. "You can smoke a bowl if you want, I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette outside." 

Dave shakes his head. "I'll just come smoke a cigarette with you." He replied as Kurt shrugged. "Okay, sure." He says and laughed.

The two went outside. Kurt sat on his porch, in the same spot that they did before. His high blue eyes looked around for a moment before handing Dave a cigarette. Dave thanked him and placed the cigarette in between his lips.

Taking out a lighter from his pocket, he lit his cigarette. Kurt must've forgot his, because he had a stress look on his face as he searched his pockets for it.

The cigarette in between his lips as he searched. Dave takes a puff and laughed a bit. "Here, look at me. I'll light yours."  Kurt slowly turned his head up to look at Dave.

Dave smiled as he held the lighter up and flicked it a few times before it turned on. Kurt watched as Dave leaned in with the lighter.

It was the only light source for the two.  There heads were close as Dave lights Kurt's cigarette.

Soon enough, they moved there heads back. Kurt takes a puff of the cigarette and blows the smoke up into the blackened night sky. His heart was racing, he wasn't sure if it was because he was stoned. Or, something else.

Dave noticed the facial expression on Kurt's face and looked over. "You okay?" He asked as he watched Kurt take another puff before flicking the ashes on the broken concrete in front of him.

"Yeah, probably just high as fuck right now." Kurt mumbled as his gaze dropped to the floor. Dave hummed as he takes a few more puffs before putting it out.

Dave wrapped his arm around Kurt. Which caused Kurt to slowly slump his head down onto Dave's shoulder. "Tired?" Dave asks and rubs Kurt's shoulder.  "High." Kurt responded and let out a small laugh.

"Well I can see that." Dave replied as he continued to rub Kurt's shoulder. The blonde blinked his eyes slowly and hummed.

"You know,.." Kurt starts as he kept his head laying on Dave. "I was thinking about.."He says and dropped the cigarette.

Dave slowly looked over but Kurt stopped talking. He has fallen asleep on Dave. The darker haired male shakes his head and laughed a bit. "Kurt–" Suddenly Kurt opened his eyes.

"Huh- what-.." he muttered out in sleepiness and surprise. Stomping out the cigarette that was on the floor. Dave laughed. "C'mon, you're tired." Dave says as Kurt lifted his head up. He rubbed his face in exhaustion.

"It's been a rough night.." He muttered as Dave helped him stand. "I know, I know. It looks like it could be about, four right now." He pointed out as he smiled down at the shorter one.

Dave helped Kurt back inside of the house. He calmly shut the door behind himself as he watched Kurt walking up to the stairs.

"You got this?" Dave asked and Kurt gave a thumbs up. "Yeah..! There's a blanket on the couch you can use. Night."

Kurt says, stumbling out his words as he left upstairs to his bed. Dave went to bed on the couch and brought the blanket up to himself.

As for Cobain, he just laid in his bed. It felt odd. He wasn't use to being alone in the bed anymore. It just made it feel weird. And not hearing his baby girl made the feeling sink more heavier on him.

A sigh left his lips as tossed over on his back. That's when it happened. A sudden sharp pain hit into his stomach as suddenly curled up.

"Fuck..! No, not right now please.." He hissed out as he shut his eyes tightly. "nonono.." He whimpered out as he grabbed one of his pillows and hugged it.

He let out a cry in pain as his breath staggered. Dave must've heard him because there he was, standing in front of the door way.

"Stomach pain..?" He muttered as he walked over to Kurt's bed and knelt down in front of him. Kurt nodded and slowly opened his eyes. They weren't as red as before, but they were still dilated.

"C'mon man..! Fucking worst night ever!" Kurt shouted out as he slammed his head on the other pillow. Dave frowned and brought his hand up and started to rub Kurt's back.

"Still no medicine prescription for that?.." Which resulted in Kurt shaking his head. "No, Courtney said I was fine.. so, I just– didn't do anything about it."

"Well Courtney is stupid." Dave remarked which caused Kurt to laugh through his immense stomach pain. He then hissed and whimpered.

Dave slowly slides his hand down to Kurt's stomach. Kurt noticed and watched Dave's hand.

"Is this okay?.." He asked and Kurt nodded. Dave slowly rubbed Kurt's stomach in circular motions.

"Try to take some deep breaths, alright?" Dave advised and Kurt nodded. "It hurts man.. so bad I dunno why." He slurred out his words as he takes a few deep breaths.

Eventually, the pain subsides for a little while. Dave moved his hand back. "I'll get you some water. You're not drinking any more vodka tonight." Dave says with care as Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Fine, thank youuuuuu." He trailed out the last part and laughed softly. Dave nodded and got up. He went downstairs and into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and found a water bottle. Then went back upstairs to where Kurt was.

He walked inside as he watched the blonde sat up in his bed. Dave handed him the water bottle.

"Try to sleep, alright Kurt?"  He asks with worry in his tone of voice as Kurt nodded. He takes a few sips of water and then placed the bottle on his nightstand.

"Sure, sure. Night Dave."
"Goodnight, Kurt."

Dave replied as he shut the door when he left. 

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