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Kurt slowly opened his eyes. He knew by time it was morning. Especially from the sign of his head with a pounding headache. He was hungover.

Placing one of his hands on his bed. The lead singer pushed himself upwards. He groaned from his pounding head. He hated the feeling.

Gliding his feet downwards, he got out of his bed and stood up. Waking over to his dresser and just throwing on a pair of jeans, a striped long sleeve and a flannel. He didn't care about how he dressed.

He ran a hand through the grease of his blonde messy bed head as he left his room. His bare feet walking down the stairs as he groaned a little.

He noticed Dave was awake, with the TV on a random program. "Hi." Kurt groggily said which caused Dave to turn his head and laughed a bit.

"Good morning."
"Good morning to you."

Kurt laughed as he walked into the kitchen. He opened the cabinet and slammed the bottle of ibuprofen on the counter. Dave heard the noise and looked over.

"Hungover?" He asked and Kurt nodded. The blonde opened the pain killers and nodded once again. Pouring a few in his hands as he then opened the fridge door.

The man grabbed out a bottle of vodka which made Dave's eyes widen and imediantly he went over.

"Kurt! It's nine in the morning! I wouldn't advise drinking alcohol with a pain killer!" Dave scolded in worry which caused Kurt to sigh.

He placed the vodka bottle down. "Fine! I'll take it with some water." Kurt says in a slight grumpy tone as he takes out a cup from the cabinet and shuts the fridge door.

He filled it with tap water and puts the medication in his mouth. He then harshly swallowed the pills back and exhaled.

"There, that can help." He muttered as his blue eyes looked up at Dave. "Wanna smoke some weed?" He asked towards Dave. Dave simply nodded.

"Sure, we haven't done it in a while." Dave replied as he chuckled a bit. The two went upstairs to the bathroom.

Then, their smoking session started. Kurt coughed a bit as he harshly coughed out the smoke. Dave starts to pat onto Kurt's back.

"Be easy on it man." Dave warned as he laughed a bit. A few minutes passed and Kurt was completely stoned.

Kurt's eyes were blood shot as they looked up into Dave's. He giggled for a moment. "I like, I like, how you said that..that.." he paused and mocked Dave's voice. " 'its 9am you shouldn't drink..!' and here we are, smoking pot!" He laughs as his head slumps down into Dave's lap.

Dave couldn't help but laugh along. He wasn't as high as Kurt was. But he was a little bit. His hand went down and rubbed Kurt's head.

"Wanna invite Krist over..?" Dave asked as he looked down at the man that was pretty much laying on him. But Kurt shakes his head.

"Naww, bet the guy is..paaaaasssed the fuck out from smoking his own." Kurt replied and broke out into laugher. He rolled onto his back, his head still laying on Dave's lap.

Dave laughed a little and shakes his head with a smile on his face. "Alright, sounds fine with just us anyway."

"Mhm.." Kurt hummed as he frowned a little. "I miss Frances." He suddenly says which caused Dave to frown slightly.

Dave moved his hand up and started to play with the blondes hair. "I know. Did, Courtney say she's actually divorcing you?"  Kurt shoved some of hair away and picked at his face for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I haven't check the mailbox though.. probably have to sign some shit."

Kurt slowly sat himself up and shakes his head. Causing his hair to fall back into his face. Dave chuckled a bit and pushed Kurt's hair away.

"Then let's go out and smoke a cigarette, i can help with the papers." Dave replied as he helped Kurt stand.

"Then we should get you an doctors appointment for your stomach issues." Dave continued on as the two left the bathroom. It reeked like marijuana around the house.

Kurt nodded. "Yeah.. I suppose we should find out what is happening.." he muttered as he opened the front door and allowed Dave to go out.

Kurt shut the door behind himself as he went out with Dave.

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