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Kurt grunted as he takes out the pack of cigarettes. He handed Krist and Dave one. Krist imediantly takes out his lighter and lights his.

Then passed the lighter to Dave, Dave lights his and then lastly it was handed to Kurt.
Kurt flicked the lighter a few times before it came on.

He placed the flame on the cancerous stick as it lights up. Placing the cigarette to his lips, he takes a puff as he glanced over at the interviewer.

Dave wrapped an arm around Kurt as he takes a few puffs of his own.

Then, the questions started.

"How are we doing?" The interviewer started. Moving the mic over. Kurt didn't really want to talk but he knew he had to speak at little bit.

"We're doing, alright." Kurt muttered into the mic as Dave added on to the answer. Which caused the mic to be brought over to him.

"Doing great, yeah. We just woke up a little late so we're kinda tired. Haha." Krist laughed along with Dave. Kurt takes a puff of his cigarette again.

Definitely not wanting to be here.

"We heard that you had a divorce with Courtney Love, how is that going along?" The interviewer asks to Kurt and brings the mic over to him.

Dave and Krist awkwardly take a puff of their cigarettes at the same time. Knowing that wasn't a good question to be asking.

"Uhm.." Kurt started as he brought the cigarette to his lips. He takes an inhale of the smoke before blowing it outwards. That's when he suddenly remembered, he forgot to put the envelope in the mailbox so he mentally slapped himself.

"Well–" Kurt starts up again as his gaze went to his floor. He shakes his head and brought his face back up to the mic. "Well, better without her." He says.

Dave wrapped his arm back around Kurt and gave the man a slight squeeze.

The interviewer apologized for the sudden dark question as Kurt just dismissed it. Taking a puff of his cigarette before lowering it. It loosely dangled in his finger tips.

Krist and Dave have finished theres already so they were put out in the ash tray that was beside them.

The questions continued to go on. Back and forward with questions and answers.

Kurt tiredly laid his head onto Dave's shoulder as he takes a puff of his cigarette. Listening to Krist and Dave do most of the talking.

Dave noticed and turned his head. "You that tired?" He asked quietly to Kurt as Krist kept rambling his answer.

Kurt nodded as he kept his head on Dave's shoulder for a moment before lifting it up. Realizing the cameras are still live streaming.

Kurt put his cigarette out as the interview continued on. It seemed like hours before it ended.

"Thank you for coming, Nirvana. We greatly appreciate it." The interviewer says as Krist shakes his hand.

The three stood up. Kurt suddenly went over to one of the cameras and spit some saliva at it before laughing.

Dave shakes his head and went over. He wrapped an arm around Kurt. "C'mon, we can head out now."

Krist thanked them again as they left the large building. Quickly– they got into the car.

Same position as they were before. Kurt and Dave in the back seat as Krist drives.

Kurt slammed his head against Dave's chest which caused laughter to erupt out of Dave. "Ow!?" Kurt started to laugh as the car started up.

"Someone is in a better mood. What? Just felt in the slumps this morning?" Dave decided to ask as Krist started to drive off.

"Yeah, kinda like that. Felt like shit." Kurt replied as he looked up at Dave. Dave slowly looked down and couldn't help but smile.

He was glad he can make Kurt's days better. Especially from what's been going on.

Krist started to drive through the town. "So, Dave. Want me to just drop you off at Kurt's? By the looks of it, you want to stay with him."

Dave cleared his throat as he moved his hand up into Kurt's hair and started to play with it. Kurt was gonna smack Dave's hand away but decided not too.

"Well, Kurt? Want me to stay with you?" He asks as he gazed down at Kurt. Kurt blinked, total brain fogged of the conversation that has been occuring.

"What?–" This caused Dave and Krist to burst out laughing.

Kurt shakes his head and laughed along. "Sorry, fuck. My brain like, froze. And, I wasn't paying attention." Dave calmed down his laughter as he rubbed Kurt's shoulder.

"He's wondering if I should be dropped off at your place. Wait–Krist, you're heading back to your place?" Dave asks as he turned his head to face the driver.

"Well, yeah. It's been a couple days and I have some shit I have to do at my place. I'm not sure if you're busy Dave, that's why I asked if you wanted to be dropped off at Kurt's."

Krist explained as he drove down an exit on the freeway.

"Ohhh, okay. Yeah, no. I'm not busy. Drop me off at Kurt's." Dave replied as he turned his attention to the 'dyed' haired male.

Kurt gazed up into Dave's brown eyes before looking away. Keeping his head pressed firmly onto Dave's chest as a exhale left his lips.

Dave moved his hand up and started to rub Kurt's head in small circle motions. Kurt slowly closed his eyes as a small grunt left his lips.

"Feels nice.." Kurt accidentally muttered and then shot his eyes open. Dave chuckled softly and leaned down for a moment before mumbling.

"It's okay." He mumbled as he continued the movements on Kurt's head.

"Mkay.." Kurt says in reply.

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