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(⚠️!!DRUG USE!!⚠️)

Kurt fell to his knees. He was angry, drunk, stressed, and severely depressed.

The man stumbled back up on his feet and cried. He went back into the house and slammed the door. Sobs leaving his lips as he went to the bathroom and scattering stuff around. And smoked some marijuana for a while before,

He slowly slides down the bathroom door with a needle in his hand. He twirled it in his fingers for a moment.

His sobs calming down as he brought it to his arm. He was about to but his phone started to ring. He dropped the needle as he looked at the phone.

Answering it, he placed it to his ear. "Hello..?" He slurred into the phone. It was Dave. "Hey, how are you doing? I just wanted to check on you."

Kurt's blue eyes watered as he picked up the needle. He didn't respond for a good amount of time. He just stared at the needle.

"Kurt?.. you there, shit stain?"  Dave asked into the phone but then heard shaky breathing from the other end.

Dave knew something was off. "Stay in your house, okay? I'll call Krist and we can come over."

"Okay..okay.." Kurt muttered into the phone. "Stay on the phone with me." Dave says with worry. "I'll text Krist instead."

"Uh huh.." Kurt giggles into the phone and leaned his head back. Hot tears rolled down his face. Dave sighed as he tested Krist and got a reply immediately.

Krist: "oh shit. Ok, I'll come over."
The text read as Dave left Krist on read and continued to talk with Kurt.

"What happened buddy..?" Dave asked as he threw his shoes on his feet. Having Kurt on speaker phone. The phone looked like a remote though.

Kurt started to cry into the phone. Throwing the needle into the bath tub. "She took the baby! Man! She took her away!"  Dave frowned upon hearing that. He noticed Krist's car pull up and went outside with the phone.

"Courtney left you!?" He shouted into the phone as he got in the passenger next to Krist. Krist furrowed his eyebrows as he started to drive to Kurt's house.

"Yeah! She did." Kurt muttered out as he whimpered. "Took Bean away.." Krist and Dave frown hearing the news as they pull up at Kurt's house.

"Well, were here. Okay? I'm coming in with Krist." Dave says as Kurt hanged up the phone.

Krist takes the lofexidine  out of his pocket just in case as the two got out of the car. They went into Kurt's house, not even knocking.

"Kurt!?" Dave shouted in worry but heard a groan from the bathroom. The two followed into the bathroom and knelt down to the man who was laying on the bathroom floor.

It smelled strong of weed in there. Kurt's eyes slowly looked up at the two. They were red and watery. His pupils were also dilated.

Dave frowned. "All you did was weed right, not any, you know..?"  Kurt shakes his head. "Just grass...and vodka from earlier."

The two sighed in relief as Dave helped Kurt sit up. The blonde slumped his head onto Dave's shoulder.

Krist noticed a needle in the tub. "Kurt, why is there a needle in the tub?"

Dave placed his hand onto Kurt's head and rubbed the males hair. Kurt slowly looked over at Krist.

"It's not used, I just threw it.." Dave slowly slide his hand down and rubbed Kurt's back.

Krist grabs out the needle and decided he should throw it out so it doesn't get used. He walked out of the bathroom to throw it outside.

Dave wrapped his arms around Kurt. "Thank goodness we got here on fucking time." He says worriedly as Kurt's head slumped onto Dave's chest.

"Heheh.. yeah." Kurt muttered as he blinked his sore, bloodshot eyes. Krist came back after a few minutes.

"You looked so stoned, man." Krist pointed out which caused the blonde to laugh. He then hummed and shut his eyes. Keeping his head placed onto the drummers chest.

"So, you feeling alright..?" Dave asked. Kurt nodded.

"Fine as i can ever be with you guys around."

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