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Kurt arrived to his house. Krist was the one who was driving. Dave glanced over at the blue eyed male.

The bottle of vodka was halfway empty. "Dave, walk him in. I have a feeling he's gonna stumble all over the place."

Krist says with concern as he kept his hands on the wheel, looking at the two with the top mirror.

Dave nodded as he shakes Kurt a little. "Bud, hey." He says which resulted in Kurt looking over.  "Mm..?" Dave chuckled a little.

"C'mon, let's get out of the car." 
"We're here?.."
"Yeah, c'mon."

Dave opened the car door. (Both of them were sitting in the back together.)

The darker haired male got out and held his hand out for Kurt. The blonde grunted as he grabbed onto Dave's hand. He got out of the vehicle.

He stumbled a bit as Dave shut the door behind Kurt. "One bottle for you tipsy this time?" He asked which resulted in Kurt punching his arm.

"Apparently, now let's go.." He says in a angering tone. He didn't want to see Courtney, but he did want to see his child.

Dave wrapped an arm around the shorter male as they started to walk up to the porch. "Call me if you need anything, alright?" He says as his brown eyes looked into Kurt's blue ones.

Kurt slowly moved his gaze away and nodded. "Yeah, okay.."  Dave smiled as he pats Kurt's shoulder and then walked off.

Kurt watched Dave get back into Krist's car as it honked twice and they shouted bye before speeding off.

Cobain chuckled as rubbed his face. He held the vodka bottle in a dangling motion as he opened the door. Shockingly it was unlocked. Which made Kurt confused.

It was 2:30 in the morning. Why would the door be unlocked?

He stumbled in as he closed the door. Noticing Frances asleep on the couch, but Courtney wasn't around. Which made him concerned.

He placed the vodka bottle on the coffee table as he knelt down to Frances. He placed a finger on her chest and sighed in relief.

He picked Frances up and held her for a moment. Before he heard moaning sounds coming from upstairs. His head slowly went up to the stairway as he clenched his teeth.

Carefully, he held Frances as he slowly went up the stairs. Bringing her head to his chest so her eyes are covered as he went down the hallway. He made sure she was sleep before he opened the bedroom door.

He was drunk, and beyond pissed. There was his wife, sleeping with another man. – in fact, having sex with the man.

Without thinking, he suddenly shouted. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"  He screamed out as the two in the bed quickly panicked.

Frances woke up from the sudden loudness. But Kurt only kept her head hidden away from the situation. She started to cry. The blonde noticed and started to comfort his crying daughter.

Courtney screamed in response. "YOU WEREN'T HOME!"
Kurt scoffed as Courtney threw on a shirt and her underwear as she walked over.

She grabbed Frances from her husband and sat on the bed. Kurt started to shout out random cuss words for a moment before walking over to the guy.

Then the two started to get into a fight. "LITTLE PUNK! THAT'S MY WIFE!" 

They continued to fight for a moment before Kurt's hair was yanked. He squirmed for a moment before kicking the guy in the chest. Making the guy stumble back.

"OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!"  Kurt screamed out as the guy grabbed his clothes. The blonde spat at the guy as he chased the man out of the house.

"AND STAY OUTTA HERE!" He screamed loudly. Yet, his vocal chords were done for. He already did enough screaming at the performance a few hours ago. He coughed for a moment before slamming the front door.

His coughing persisted as he spat some blood on the floor then rushed back up the stairs.

"COURTNEY!" He shouts as his vocal chords cracked. He went back into the room. Courtney looked over. Anger was in her facial expression as she placed the sleeping baby back in the crib.

She went over and tugged onto Kurt's hand. They both left the bedroom. She closed the door and smelled the vodka on Kurt's lips.

"You were gone! It was fine! I needed it!" Courtney shouted but Kurt shakes his head.

"WHAT!? NO! That's..." He trailed off and stepped back as she stepped forward.

"WHAT THE FUCK. COURTNEY." He shouted again, but then lowered his head. Spitting out some blood again.

But she didn't care.
she never cared.

"YOU KNOW WHAT!?" Kurt shouted as he started to walk down the hall. She rushed over and grabbed his wrist.

"Let go!" Kurt scolded as he squirmed out of her grasp but she grabbed him by his green cardigan.

"KURT! Listen! Listen!" She tried but it was no use. He was too hurt. They had a family for fucks sake.

"NO! We.. we have a child Courtney!" Courtney only scoffed at that and stepped back.
"Well, if you're done. We're done." She spat out the words like venom.

Kurt's eyes widen. His heart started to crack. Courtney crossed her arms.

"And I'm taking MY baby Frances." She spat out and went back into the bedroom. Kurt soon followed on.

"She's OUR baby!" He attempted but she ignored him. She held Frances as she started to pack her things.

Kurt felt his eyes swell up with tears. "Courtney! Let me see her!" He pleaded as Courtney grabbed some drugs from the closet.– shoving them into the bag she has.

Courtney scoffed and slumped the bag on her shoulders, walking down in a quick manner with Frances being held with one arm as she went to grab some baby stuff from the kitchen.

"COURTNEY! LET ME SEE MY BEAN!" Kurt screamed out as he followed her. Frances started to cry, realizing the sudden tension.

"You're making her cry, you drunk fuck!" Courtney scolded as she shoved more stuff in her bags. Kurt couldn't help but cry as well. This is his child, and she's being taken away from him.

Courtney finished packing her stuff and walked out to the car outside. Kurt followed as he started to beg and plead.


Courtney buckled Frances in her car seat and then went to the driver's seat and got inside. She rolled down the window and screamed.

"GETTING A DIVORCE!" She screamed out and held her middle finger to him and then drove off.

Leaving Kurt alone at the house.

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